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SAS introduces new flight from London Heathrow to Scandinavian Mountains Airport: -The interest for ski-holidays in the Scandinavian mountains in Sweden and Norway maintains

Press release -

SAS introduces new flight from London Heathrow to Scandinavian Mountains Airport: -The interest for ski-holidays in the Scandinavian mountains in Sweden and Norway maintains

Skiing in the Scandinavian mountains gets even closer for the upcoming winter season as SAS launches their route from London Heathrow to Scandinavian Mountains Airport on December 26th.

- The huge interest for alpine skiing and winter holidays in Scandinavia has seen an increase over the last few years, and despite the ongoing pandemic we are optimistic about the upcoming season as our guests and citizens are being vaccinated. Furthermore, the accessibility for international skiing enthusiasts will be even more convenient with this new flight from London to our destinations in both Sälen and Trysil, says Stefan Sjöstrand, CEO at SkiStar.

After what has been one and a half year of uncertainty for our international guests, it seems like the interest SkiStar experienced even before the covid-19 outbreak is steady, and with SAS launching this route means that the faith in the demand for travel to Scandinavia for skiing holidays is a safe option with good quality for a wide range of skiers from neighboring countries.

- Flying to the mountains is an even more efficient way of travelling for many, making this a more relevant option when they plan their holidays. We are thrilled that SAS values our destinations and also see this as an opportunity. We are looking forward to welcoming our new and recurring guests this winter, Stefan Sjöstrand continues.

      About Scandinavian Mountains Airport

      The Scandinavian Mountains Airport is located in between Sälen and Trysil, only a 10-minute transfer from the nearest ski area. Scandinavian Mountains Airport is the first in the world with a remote tower (RTC) which is in use already from the opening and will be the first new airport in Europe that is fully approved according to the EASA regulations.

      More information or any questions from media, please contact:

      Petra Hallebrant - PR- and Communications Manager SkiStar AB - - +46 280 841 60

      SkiStar Press room

      Please visit SkiStar Press room for more information about our destinations and photos.

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      SkiStar in brief:

      SkiStar AB (publ.) is listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm stock exchange, Mid Cap segment. The group owns and operates ski resorts in Sälen, Åre, Vemdalen, and Hammarbybacken (Stockholm) in Sweden, Hemsedal and Trysil in Norway, and St Johann in Tirol in Austria. Market share is 53% in Sweden, 29% in Norway and a total of 43% in Scandinavia. Our core business is alpine skiing, and our main focus is the overall ski experience of our guests. The business is divided into three segments; Ski resorts – Operation, Infrastructure and Development.

      Images and videos in SkiStar's Newsroom can be freely used along with information about SkiStar and/or SkiStar's destinations and products.


      Press Service (emergency inquiries only)

      Press Service (emergency inquiries only)

      Press contact Open from December 2, 2024 to May 1, 2025 For inquiries at other times of the year outside office hours, please contact SkiStar's customer service at +46 771-84 00 00 +46 10 810 96 26
      Linda Morell

      Linda Morell

      Press contact Head of PR Public Relations +46 76 11 860 02

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