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Foto: Sverre Simonsen

Rekordpåmelding til Torskefiskkonferansen

Aldri før har så mange ønsket å være med på Torskefiskkonferansen. Den er for lengst utsolgt, og nå er det kun digital påmelding som er mulig.
Torsdag 2. november er det duket for årets utgave av den tradisjonsrike konferansen. Denne gang har arrangørene Norges sjømatråd og Norges Råfisklag hatt ekstra mye å gjøre i forkant.
Måtte si stopp på 450 deltagere
- I år har det vært en historis

Quality labelled skrei from Norway

Norwegian skrei making headlines across Europe

In Spain, they call it the "wild and athletic cod that returns home every year", in Germany "the gold from Lofoten" and in France as a "premium seasonal product". There is no doubt that Norwegian skrei has caught the media's interest in Europe this year as well.
The corona pandemic has impacted the 2021 skrei season in so many ways. With travel restrictions and closed restaurants, the Norwegia

Proudly representing Seafood from Norway

The Norwegian Seafood Council works with the Norwegian fisheries and aquaculture industries to develop markets for Norwegian seafood through local market intelligence, market development and reputational risk management. The Seafood Council is headquartered in Tromsø and maintains local representatives in twelve of Norway's most important international markets. The Norwegian seafood industry finances the activities of the Norwegian Seafood Council via a tariff on all Norwegian seafood exports. The Norwegian Seafood Council is a public company owned by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries.