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Umbilical cases - Sailing suit

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Umbilical cases - Sailing suit

Umbilical Design has been involved in the development of a prototype sailing suit made from a spacecraft tyre material that was possible to translate into an extremely durable fabric. This is just one of many examples of a space material with alternative areas of application.
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Umbilical Design
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Cecilia Hertz

Cecilia Hertz

Press contact Managing Director Managing Director and founder of Umbilical Design +46 (0)70 575 46 51

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Space design and space technology transfer

Umbilical Design AB was founded in 2001 by industrial designer Cecilia Hertz, and since its inception has worked with NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) on design for the space industry. Umbilical Design has also been successful in showing how design, technology and material from the space industry can be transferred to Swedish enterprise and society. During 15 years Umbilical Design has been appointed as ESA innovation partner. Umbilical Design oversees transfer of technology from the space sector to Swedish industry with the overarching objective to stimulate business opportunities by exploiting the materials knowledge, methods and approaches of the space sector. Our main focus is to commercialize space technologies for a sustainable earth. Umbilical Design is a proud winner of 2016 Red Herring Top 100 Europe.