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Möt Japans första kvinna i rymden Chiaki Mukai och svenska astronauten Christer Fuglesang

PRESSINBJUDAN: Möt Japans första kvinna i rymden Chiaki Mukai och Christer Fuglesang

Dr Chiaki Mukai var hjärtkirurg och forskare när hon rekryterades som astronaut i Japan på 1980-talet. Hon har varit med på två rymdfärder och då ansvarat för olika experiment inom rymdmedicin och livsvetenskap. I dag är hon chef för Japan Aerospace Exploration Agencys (JAXA) Center for Applied Space Medicine and Human Research, och Vice President för Tokyo University of Science.

Umbilical Design erhåller förnyat treårskontrakt från ESA för att överföra rymdteknik till svensk industri

Umbilical Design erhåller förnyat treårskontrakt från ESA för att överföra rymdteknik till svensk industri

Det svenska innovationsföretaget Umbilical Design, ledande inom design för rymden och extrema miljöer, har fått förnyat treårskontrakt som Space Broker för Sverige med den europeiska rymdorganisationen ESA. Umbilical Design arbetar med tekniköverföring från rymdsektorn till andra områden som till exempel medicinteknik, fordonsindustri och hållbar stadsplanering.

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Video: 00:08:21 The first half of 2024 saw hundreds of people across Europe building, cajoling, shipping, lowering, integrating, securing and protecting the precious pieces and parts that came together to create Ariane 6 – Europe’s new heavy-lift rocket.Huge engines, boosters and outer shells met tiny screws, electrical boards and masses of supercooled fuel. All this came together at Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana, for the spectacular first launch of Ariane 6 on 9 July 2024, restoring Europe’s access to space.Get a glimpse at the teamwork, skill and care that went into this moment over many months, in this montage of Ariane 6 images, videos and timelapse photography spanning 30 January to 9 July 2024.Access the short version of the video.Access all the launch campaign footage in broadcast quality.  

Image: Concordia is a research station in Antarctica that places you farther away from humankind than even the International Space Station. Every year, ESA sponsors a medical doctor to spend a year, or "winterover," at Concordia station. This year, our medical doctor is Jessica Kehala Studer, who is seen in this picture gazing at the Moon and the vast expanse of Antarctica. Around May, the Sun dips below the horizon for the last time, and the crew experiences four months of total darkness, with temperatures dropping to –80°C in winter. The station serves as an analogue for space, mirroring the challenges and conditions faced by astronauts such as isolation, extreme cold and darkness, along with their impact on  health. Concordia is a unique platform for research in human physiology and psychology, as well as astronomy, meteorology, glaciology and other fields. Last Saturday, we celebrated Moon Day: 55 years ago on 20 July 1969, humankind stepped on the Moon for the first time during the Apollo 11 mission. Today, ESA is a key part of NASA's Artemis programme which aims to return humans to the Moon. The insights gained from ESA's experience in analogue facilities such as Concordia will be invaluable for this mission. Find out more about Concordia on our blog. 


Cecilia Hertz

Cecilia Hertz

Press contact Managing Director Managing Director and founder of Umbilical Design +46 (0)70 575 46 51

Space design and space technology transfer

Umbilical Design AB was founded in 2001 by industrial designer Cecilia Hertz, and since its inception has worked with NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) on design for the space industry. Umbilical Design has also been successful in showing how design, technology and material from the space industry can be transferred to Swedish enterprise and society. During 15 years Umbilical Design has been appointed as ESA innovation partner. Umbilical Design oversees transfer of technology from the space sector to Swedish industry with the overarching objective to stimulate business opportunities by exploiting the materials knowledge, methods and approaches of the space sector. Our main focus is to commercialize space technologies for a sustainable earth. Umbilical Design is a proud winner of 2016 Red Herring Top 100 Europe.