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Shannon Lövgren with participants of the ICLD International training programme Zimbabwe Leadership
Shannon Lövgren with participants of the ICLD International training programme Zimbabwe Leadership

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Thank you for seven years of inspiration Zimbabwe!

I started working as the ICLD International Training Programme Officer for Zimbabwe back in 2014 to start a pilot programme strengthening women political leaders in the country. My first group was 25 women councillors-urbanites, rural farmers, former freedom-fighters, and young activists- from all over Zimbabwe.

One Councillor talked about how she was elected by 85% of her constituency but that her boss in the Town Council would make her sit in the back of the truck when they were driving to projects because he did not want to be seen with her.

Another Councillor talked about how she wanted to bring equality to her council so that women are treated fairly in the community but faced sexual inuendo every single day from her male co-workers and accusations of prostitution and bribery from women who were jealous or wanted her position.

Yet another Councillor, a farmer from a very rural area talked about bringing basic services to her people and had great support but was isolated from resources, networks, and power. She shared that this was the first time she had ever stayed in a hotel.

That was seven years ago and yet I remember their stories. I remember them clearly because it was so incredibly powerful to hear the women’s stories. We think we know a person because of the way they look or where they are from, but the truth is that we do not know someone until their story is told. In this group there were 25 different powerful stories of struggle, privilege, oppression, ambition, hope, and victory. It has been my privilege to have these, and hundreds of other stories, from Zimbabwe and around the world fill my life during my time at ICLD.

So many stories the world has heard about Zimbabwe are negative. There is the story of colonialization, dictator rule, inflation, food shortages, corruption, poverty, and political unrest. These are true stories. I have seen them with my own eyes. However, they are just part of the inspiring and positive stories that are playing out in local governments and in peoples lives. As the author Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche says:
“there is danger is the telling of a single story. “

Seven years ago, when I first arrived in Harare, the Jacaranda and Flame trees were blooming with purple and red flowers. We drove to the outskirts of town where I met the most gregarious and impactful woman I have ever met, Priscilla Maposa. Pricilla is the Country Director for Gender Links. ICLD partners with Gender Links to strengthen local governments reach several goals, through ICLD’s Zimbabwe Leadership Training Programme.

Pricilla is unassuming, friendly, and dedicated to the mission of empowering women. She knows everyone, see’s everything that is happening around her (good and bad) and does not let anything distract her from treating everyone with the utmost respect. This past December, Priscilla arranged for the President of Zimbabwe to meet with every female politician in the Country- a national first! Her efforts, along with the strong and knowledgeable voices of the politicians, resulted in Zimbabwe adopting a Constitutional Amendment to ensure 30% female representation in local government. Priscilla’s story is that one bold and dedicated woman can make a difference for an entire country!

Shannon Lövgren togheter with Priscilla Maposa, Country Director for Gender Links in Zimbabwe. Photo: ICLD

Of all the stories I have heard over the years, some have been re-written. More than once I have heard leaders tell their story of being dictators in their jobs. “I know what is best and I make the decisions,” said David Moyo. But he also said his job was lonely sometimes. Flash forward 6 months and he told another story. “I started listening to people and quit yelling. You know what happened, people started telling me their ideas and they are good. My job has become much easier and people are even laughing with me. I am no longer a dictator. I’m now a listening leader.”

I have seen the incredible stories of men and women working hard to improve the lives of their constituents in a hundred different ways through sports, education, small enterprises, partnerships, community service events, dialogue, and hard work.

I remember the story of a rural official who learned about the Sustainable Development Goals and decided to ensure that his Council would end open-defecation by the next election and meet SDG 6 (water and sanitation). That single story will improve that community forever.

It has been my honour to be part of these stories and make an impact in Zimbabwe during my time at ICLD. As I move on to a new story of my own, I want to say thank you Zimbabwe for seven years of inspiration.

As for the women I mentioned from my first programme:

The Councillor who was forced to sit in the back of the truck, is now the Mayor of her town and is that man’s boss.

The formerly harassed Councillor succeeded in creating Zimbabwe’s first 50/50 gender equal Council.

The rural farmer has improved agricultural practices, sanitation, engagement, and employment opportunities in her community. She now travels throughout Southern Africa as an spokesperson for and example of what can be done when we tell more than a single story!




Maria Jansson

Maria Jansson

Presskontakt Kommunikationsstrateg +46 (0)72 997 2054

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Internationellt Centrum för Lokal Demokrati, ICLD, arbetar för att främja demokrati och processer för delaktighet på lokal och regional nivå. Detta görs genom att etablera internationella samarbeten där vi bygger vidare på kunnande och erfarenheter från svenska kommuner och regioner. ICLD driver också utbildningsprogram och forskning inom demokratiområdet. ICLD är en ideell organisation. Verksamheten finansieras av Sida. För mer info, besök icld.se.

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