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ICLD Local Democracy Academy 2024
Lund, Sweden 26-29 August

In the ever-evolving landscape of global challenges, elected local governments can catalyse higher-scale transformative change. The ICLD Local Democracy Academy is an action-research conference gathering change-makers dedicated to understanding and harnessing the power of democratic innovations. Participants will engage in thought-provoking discussions, share groundbreaking research, and collaboratively explore instances where local governments have acted as architects of global transformation. 

Read more about our Academy at icld.se/LDA 


ICLD Local Democracy Academy 2024 Lund, Sweden 26-29 August In the ever-evolving landscape of global challenges, elected local governments can catalyse higher-scale transformative change. The ICLD Local Democracy Academy is an action-research conference gathering change-makers dedicated to understanding and harnessing the power of democratic innovations. Participants will engage in thought-provoking discussions, share groundbreaking research, and collaboratively explore instances where local governments have acted as architects of global transformation. Read more about our Academy at icld.se/LDA #localdemocracyacademy

Vi söker fler svenska kommuner/regioner till vårt Jämställdhetsnätverk!

ICLD:s jämställdhetsnätverk samlar partnerskap mellan kommuner/regioner i Sverige och Colombia eller Guatemala. 

Genom att dela erfarenheter och strategier kan kommunerna lära av varandra och tillsammans arbeta för att övervinna gemensamma utmaningar kopplade till jämställdhet.

Läs mer och anmäl din kommun på icld.se/jämställdhet

📸: Deltagare inom ICLD:s Jämställdhetsnätverk som besöker Antigua i juni i år

Vi söker fler svenska kommuner/regioner till vårt Jämställdhetsnätverk! ICLD:s jämställdhetsnätverk samlar partnerskap mellan kommuner/regioner i Sverige och Colombia eller Guatemala. Genom att dela erfarenheter och strategier kan kommunerna lära av varandra och tillsammans arbeta för att övervinna gemensamma utmaningar kopplade till jämställdhet. Läs mer och anmäl din kommun på icld.se/jämställdhet 📸: Deltagare inom ICLD:s Jämställdhetsnätverk som besöker Antigua i juni i år

Iryna Enables New Health Program Despite Wartime Challenges

Iryna Kolkovska, a local politician from Lutsk, Ukraine, participated in ICLD’s programme “Women’s Political Leadership” in 2022, which began just weeks before the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Despite the war initially upending her plans, she has continued driving the change process through difficult circumstances and recently achieved her goal of getting a vaccination program approved and financed! Read more: https://icld.se/en/article/iryna-driving-changes-through-difficult-circumstances/

Would you like to drive change within our Women’s Political Leadership programme? Applications are now open! Read more and apply: https://icld.se/en/international-programmes/the-programmes/itp-local-political-leaders-capacitating-women-in-politics/

Iryna Enables New Health Program Despite Wartime Challenges Iryna Kolkovska, a local politician from Lutsk, Ukraine, participated in ICLD’s programme “Women’s Political Leadership” in 2022, which began just weeks before the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Despite the war initially upending her plans, she has continued driving the change process through difficult circumstances and recently achieved her goal of getting a vaccination program approved and financed! Read more: https://icld.se/en/article/iryna-driving-changes-through-difficult-circumstances/ Would you like to drive change within our Women’s Political Leadership programme? Applications are now open! Read more and apply: https://icld.se/en/international-programmes/the-programmes/itp-local-political-leaders-capacitating-women-in-politics/

Do as Keti - apply for ICLD Women's Political Leadership programme!

This is Keti Luarasi, Deputy Mayor of the City of Tirana, Albania, and also participant in the ICLD Leadership programme for women. 

“The connections I’ve made through this programme have been invaluable, providing me with ongoing support and encouragement in my leadership journey,” says Keti.

Read more about Keti and apply before 1 August!

Do as Keti - apply for ICLD Women's Political Leadership programme! This is Keti Luarasi, Deputy Mayor of the City of Tirana, Albania, and also participant in the ICLD Leadership programme for women. “The connections I’ve made through this programme have been invaluable, providing me with ongoing support and encouragement in my leadership journey,” says Keti. Read more about Keti and apply before 1 August! https://icld.se/en/article/keti-luarasi-empowering-communities-through-inclusive-leadership/

💡 Research grant opportunities!💡

ICLD funds research that is impact-oriented, participatory and based on real needs of local governments. We currently have three open calls for new research with deadlines on August 18th:

- Voluntary Local Reviews (all ICLD partner countries) 
- Equitable health systems (Kenya/Uganda) 
- Intersectional Gender Policy (Colombia/Guatemala)

Applicants can be from anywhere in the world but proposals must show how the project is relevant for local governments in the listed regions. 

Additionally, two calls for writing policy briefs and conduct Living Labs are open to scholars who have participated in Local Democracy Labs. 

Welcome to apply!

💡 Research grant opportunities!💡 ICLD funds research that is impact-oriented, participatory and based on real needs of local governments. We currently have three open calls for new research with deadlines on August 18th: - Voluntary Local Reviews (all ICLD partner countries) - Equitable health systems (Kenya/Uganda) - Intersectional Gender Policy (Colombia/Guatemala) Applicants can be from anywhere in the world but proposals must show how the project is relevant for local governments in the listed regions. Additionally, two calls for writing policy briefs and conduct Living Labs are open to scholars who have participated in Local Democracy Labs. Welcome to apply!

Did you miss our insightful Alumni Talk on how local governments in Eastern Africa are tackling flooding through responsive and accountable governance? 

Discover how local democracy can lead to effective climate adaptation. Watch the full recording here: https://youtu.be/QRG8HqNjENQ

The ICLD Alumni Talk on 20 June 2024 showcased experiences from three East African countries, combined with research from two continents, to illustrate how municipalities have responded to the recent floods. More info: https://icld.se/en/article/alumni-talk-floods-climate-adaptation-and-local-democracy-in-east-africa/

#climatechange #floods #AlumniTalk

Did you miss our insightful Alumni Talk on how local governments in Eastern Africa are tackling flooding through responsive and accountable governance? Discover how local democracy can lead to effective climate adaptation. Watch the full recording here: https://youtu.be/QRG8HqNjENQ The ICLD Alumni Talk on 20 June 2024 showcased experiences from three East African countries, combined with research from two continents, to illustrate how municipalities have responded to the recent floods. More info: https://icld.se/en/article/alumni-talk-floods-climate-adaptation-and-local-democracy-in-east-africa/ #climatechange #floods #AlumniTalk

Politicians and researchers develop inclusive Nature-Based Solutions together in 8 pilot cities, for a new path to just sustainability. 

Last week, ICLD hosted Local Democracy Labs with four municipalities to equip decision-makers to engage public participation in both identifying problems and designing the solutions. Democratic innovation and just climate action takes curious leaders! 

Read more about the EU-funded research project and ICLD's role in it at https://icld.se/en/researchproject/trans-lighthouses/. 

Follow the lead of Rome, Brussels, Estarreja and Lagoa and discuss your policy challenges with academic experts.

#TRANSlighthouses #NBS #NatureBasedSolutions #GreenFuture #LocalDemocracyLabs

Politicians and researchers develop inclusive Nature-Based Solutions together in 8 pilot cities, for a new path to just sustainability. Last week, ICLD hosted Local Democracy Labs with four municipalities to equip decision-makers to engage public participation in both identifying problems and designing the solutions. Democratic innovation and just climate action takes curious leaders! Read more about the EU-funded research project and ICLD's role in it at https://icld.se/en/researchproject/trans-lighthouses/. Follow the lead of Rome, Brussels, Estarreja and Lagoa and discuss your policy challenges with academic experts. #TRANSlighthouses #NBS #NatureBasedSolutions #GreenFuture #LocalDemocracyLabs

Politicians and researchers develop inclusive Nature-Based Solutions together in 8 pilot cities, for a new path to just sustainability. 

Last week, ICLD hosted Local Democracy Labs with four municipalities to equip decision-makers to engage public participation in both identifying problems and designing the solutions. Democratic innovation and just climate action takes curious leaders! 

Read more about the EU-funded research project and ICLD's role in it at https://icld.se/en/researchproject/trans-lighthouses/. 

Follow the lead of Rome, Brussels, Estarreja and Lagoa and discuss your policy challenges with academic experts.

#TRANSlighthouses #NBS #NatureBasedSolutions #GreenFuture #LocalDemocracyLabs

Politicians and researchers develop inclusive Nature-Based Solutions together in 8 pilot cities, for a new path to just sustainability. Last week, ICLD hosted Local Democracy Labs with four municipalities to equip decision-makers to engage public participation in both identifying problems and designing the solutions. Democratic innovation and just climate action takes curious leaders! Read more about the EU-funded research project and ICLD's role in it at https://icld.se/en/researchproject/trans-lighthouses/. Follow the lead of Rome, Brussels, Estarreja and Lagoa and discuss your policy challenges with academic experts. #TRANSlighthouses #NBS #NatureBasedSolutions #GreenFuture #LocalDemocracyLabs


Maria Jansson

Maria Jansson

Presskontakt Kommunikationsstrateg +46 (0)72 997 2054

Fattigdom bekämpas med demokrati

Internationellt Centrum för Lokal Demokrati, ICLD, arbetar för att främja demokrati och processer för delaktighet på lokal och regional nivå. Detta görs genom att etablera internationella samarbeten där vi bygger vidare på kunnande och erfarenheter från svenska kommuner och regioner. ICLD driver också utbildningsprogram och forskning inom demokratiområdet. ICLD är en ideell organisation. Verksamheten finansieras av Sida. För mer info, besök icld.se.

Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy, ICLD

Söderväg 1D
621 58 Visby