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Panasonic appoints H1 as partner for customer service in Europe

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Panasonic appoints H1 as partner for customer service in Europe

Panasonic appoints H1 as partner for customer service in Europe

Östersund, Sweden, 27thMay 2022

After more than 60 years experiences and various heating and cooling solutions by Panasonic have contributed to providing maximum comfort in homes and commercial environments. Panasonic Heating & Cooling Solutions also continues to invest in customer service hence appointed H1 as partner to increase response time and improve customer satisfaction. The partnership guarantees the right service at the right time, putting the customer first by strengthening the customer experience and this with extended availability. H1 will deliver high level of support and availability across Europe in 13 different languages, mainly for heat pumps and domestic products.

The partnership currently covers 15 European countries, with the aim of increasing availability in more countries overtime.

“Our goal is to define the very best customer service strategy and deliver a truly modern and proactive approach,” explains Christian Stiboy, Head of Service. “The highly experienced teams at our support centers are more than qualified to address Panasonic clients in 13 different languages, not just English.”

H1 manage 1st line technical support and customer service. Delivering an integrated inbound and outbound solution to the overall service, claim and support process are managed including escalations. A key factor is to support Panasonic in the process of increasing availability in digital channels to improve customer satisfaction, availability, self-service and technical support. Panasonics strong focus on the customer journey shapes the partnership and puts focus on understanding customer behavior and adopting to it.

“Being a partner to such a world-leading brand as Panasonic is an honor for us and I am confident that this partnership will make us even better. Managing multiple languages puts focus on process standardization as well as analysis, feedback and training. With regards to rollout and training I am grateful for our e-learning process, especially given Panasonics innovative approach and many products, explains Mona Silfver COO at H1.

About H1

H1 Communication is a Nordic Contact Center with European services offering outsourcing of customer service, technical support, PKI- and response service. H1 helps clients drive leading high-quality and trusted customer experience through being ISO 9001/14001 and ISO 27001 (information security) certified matched with the Happy-philosophy, a client-recognized way of working with employer brand.

Learn more about H1: www.h1.se

Learn more about Panasonic Heating & Cooling Solutions: www.aircon.panasonic.eu

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H1 Communication är ett nordiskt BPO-företag med europeiska samarbetspartners som erbjuder outsourcing av kundservice, teknisk support, PKI-tjänster och svarsservice. H1 ger dina kunder ledande kundupplevelser genom fokus på kvalitet, informationssäkerhet och medarbetarvarumärket (HAPPY-filosofin). Som Nordens största delägarledda branschaktör bygger H1 kundnära samarbeten med stort engagemang och kontinuitet i alla lägen. H1 är ISO 9001/14001/27001 certifierad och med enheter runt om i Norden erbjuds alla tjänster på samtliga nordiska språk dygnet runt, året om


Marcus Lindqvist

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