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Stepping out of the dark: Why test-based nutrition is the future

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Stepping out of the dark: Why test-based nutrition is the future

Navigating through the world of nutrition and supplements can be overwhelming, but with the rise of test-based nutrition you can get the scientific answers to the questions we are all asking: Do I need to take better care of my health – and if so, how do I do it?

Omega-3, vitamin A, B, C, D, or minerals? Taking care of your health by focusing on your diet can be a jungle and if you are one of those who rely only on your gut feeling when purchasing nutritional supplements, you are definitely not alone. But with the rise of test-based nutrition your health is no longer left to chance, trends, or that gut feeling, but to science. State-of-the-art technology makes it possible to provide you with the answers to your question and pinpoint exactly what your body needs in order to stay healthy or even to avoid lifestyle diseases like type 2 diabetes.

Dr. Colin Robertson is a Scientific Research Specialist, and Chief Product Officer at Zinzino – a company that provides test-based, scientifically proven nutritional supplements and a portfolio of medical blood tests. He calls the method “stepping out of the dark”; referring to the knowledge you obtain on your current health status. Dr. Robertson explains that the method is not about creating fear, but about empowering and providing solutions:
“We like to create confidence and reassurance and if something needs to be improved then let’s have a look at how we can improve it. That to me is what test-based nutrition is all about,” he says.

Zinzino uses scientifically proven, independently managed dried blood spot testing to provide vital insights on the current health status. Their BalanceTest offers a reading of 11 fatty acid levels in the blood, and the Vitamin D Test monitors the levels of the sunshine nutrient, revealing whether the levels are in balance or deficient based on gender, age, and body type. The HbA1c Test determines the long-term blood sugar levels in the context of the person’s current lifestyle, empowering each individual with knowledge on how to take action now for lasting health. From the results, the global health and wellness company provides concrete, data-based recommendations for meaningful changes in both diet and exercise.
“We are not here to tell you that Omega-3 is a crucial element in your diet. Science already taught us that. We’re just giving you the solutions,” Dr. Robertson says. When being asked why one should be tested the answer is quite clear: “Why wander around in the dark when you can just turn the lights on?”

A global issue
According to Dr. Robertson, we are dealing with a critical and global lack of Omega-3 and D-vitamin in the diet – many unaware of the fact and the consequences of it. Changes in people’s diets, habits, and food preferences as well as increasing prices on fresh, organic crops and fish has boosted the need for nutritional supplements, and Zinzino is experiencing a rapidly growing interest in the scientific approach to better health.
“People are more curious and aware now. They have witnessed a global health crisis and they don’t want to take part in it again,” Dr. Robertson says. They know that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to better health, and they are tired of the expensive guessing game in finding the right nutrition and exercise regime. He also adds that the people who contact him for advice and guidance consist of a wide group of people from doctors to bus drivers and foodies who have an interest in nutrition and staying healthy.

Zinzino is a global, Scandinavian-based company specializing in test-based, personalized nutrition with a growing portfolio of scientific and confidential blood spot tests and a proprietary range of all-natural, nutritional supplements to secure balanced health.



Zinzino is a global direct sales company from Scandinavia specializing in test-based, personalized nutrition and scientific skincare. It is a public limited company with its shares listed on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market. Their scientifically proven nutritional supplements are available on more than 100 markets across the world. Zinzino owns the Norwegian research and production units BioActive Foods AS and Faun Pharma AS. The company headquarters is in Gothenburg, Sweden with additional offices in Europe, Asia, the US and Australia.


Gabriele Helmer

Gabriele Helmer

Press contact CMO +46 72 215 85 81

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About Zinzino

We are the pioneers of test-based, personalized nutrition from Scandinavia, on a mission to bring the world back in balance - one person at a time. Start your health journey with our game-changing, scientifically proven supplements that are driving the next generation of nutrition.


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