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Zinzinolla on 20-vuotisjuhlavuosi henkilökohtaisen terveyden uudelleenmäärittelyn parissa

Zinzinolla on 20-vuotisjuhlavuosi henkilökohtaisen terveyden uudelleenmäärittelyn parissa

Zinzino on toiminut 20 vuotta henkilökohtaisen terveyden alalla, ja siitä on tullut maailmanlaajuinen johtaja testipohjaisen ravitsemuksen alalla. Terveys- ja hyvinvointiyritys antaa yli 500 000 asiakkaalle tietoa heidän kehonsa tilasta ja tieteellisiin terveystesteihin perustuvia räätälöityjä ratkaisuja sekä edistää tietoon perustuvia terveyspäätöksiä ja kestäviä sosiaalisia myyntikäytäntöjä.

Uusi, merellinen ihoravintolisämme Collagen Boozt - Koska todellinen kauneus tulee sisältäpäin

Collagen Boozt: Monipuolinen merikollageeniravintolisä kohdennettuun ihon ravitsemukseen

Esittelyssä Collagen Boozt Zinzinolta - innovatiivinen nestemäinen merikollageenivalmiste, jossa on hyaluronihappoa sekä pre- ja postbiootteja ja joka on suunniteltu ravitsemaan ihoa sisältäpäin. Tehostaa kollageenin tuotantoa, ihon kimmoisuutta ja suoliston terveyttä vain 10 päivässä. Tutustu ihonhoidon tulevaisuuteen! Lue lisää osoitteessa zinzino.com.

Muista omega-3:n merkitys raskauden aikana

Muista omega-3:n merkitys raskauden aikana

Raskaus on uskomaton matka, joka voi haastaa sekä kehoa että mieltä. Ravitsemuksesta huolehtiminen on yksi tärkeimmistä asioista raskausaikana. Monet ravintoaineet ovat olennaisia raskaudessa, mutta omega-3-rasvahapot jäävät usein taka-alalle, vaikka ne ansaitsisivat enemmän huomiota.

BalanceOil Tutti Fruttin

Valitse oikea ravintolisä kasvaville lapsille ja nuorille – omega-3-kalaöljy tarjoaa ratkaisevan ainesosan

Kalassa on luontaisesti runsaasti välttämättömiä rasvahappoja, joita lasten ja nuorten kognitiivinen kehitys vaatii. Valitettavasti lapset syövät nykyään liian vähän kalaa. Tässä artikkelissa Zinzinon tutkimus- ja kehitysasiantuntija tohtori Emmalee Gisslevik kertoo, miksi ihmiset tarvitsevat kalan rasvahappoja ja mihin kannattaa kiinnittää huomiota omega-3-pohjaisia ravintolisiä valittaessa.

Testipohjaisen ravitsemuksen edelläkävijä saavuttaa historiallisen virstanpylvään: miljoona veritestiä

Testipohjaisen ravitsemuksen edelläkävijä saavuttaa historiallisen virstanpylvään: miljoona veritestiä

Pohjoismaisen hyvinvointiyritys Zinzinon tavoitteena on poistaa arvailut siitä, onko sen tuotteiden käyttäjien elämä terveellisempää, tarjoamalla tieteeseen perustuvia kuivaveritestejä sekä yksilöllisiä ravintolisiä. Zinzinon veritestejä on tehty jo miljoona, ja niiden määrä kasvaa jatkuvasti. Nyt Zinzino kehottaa kaikkia laittamaan ravintolisät testiin sen varmistamiseksi, että ravintoaineet ovat

Sosiaaliset mediat

📢 The Science Behind ZinoBiotic+ with Dr. Paul Clayton! 🔬🌿

What makes ZinoBiotic+ a game-changer for gut health? 🧐 Let’s break it down with Dr. Paul Clayton, a leading expert in nutrition and wellness!

🧬 In this video, Dr. Clayton dives into the science behind ZinoBiotic+, explaining how its powerful, natural ingredients support a balanced microbiome and better overall well-being.

💡 Key takeaways:
✅ How ZinoBiotic+ nourishes your gut microbiome
✅ The science of fiber and digestive health
✅ Why gut health is key to overall wellness

Your gut does so much for you – give it the support it deserves! Try ZinoBiotic+ today and feel the difference. 💪✨

🌍 Learn more:  https://go.zinzino.com/healthygut

#Zinzino #ZinoBiotic #GutHealth #WellnessJourney #DrPaulClayton #ScienceBehindHealth #MicrobiomeBalance

📢 The Science Behind ZinoBiotic+ with Dr. Paul Clayton! 🔬🌿 What makes ZinoBiotic+ a game-changer for gut health? 🧐 Let’s break it down with Dr. Paul Clayton, a leading expert in nutrition and wellness! 🧬 In this video, Dr. Clayton dives into the science behind ZinoBiotic+, explaining how its powerful, natural ingredients support a balanced microbiome and better overall well-being. 💡 Key takeaways: ✅ How ZinoBiotic+ nourishes your gut microbiome ✅ The science of fiber and digestive health ✅ Why gut health is key to overall wellness Your gut does so much for you – give it the support it deserves! Try ZinoBiotic+ today and feel the difference. 💪✨ 🌍 Learn more: https://go.zinzino.com/healthygut #Zinzino #ZinoBiotic #GutHealth #WellnessJourney #DrPaulClayton #ScienceBehindHealth #MicrobiomeBalance

🧠✨ Your gut is more than just a digestive system – it’s your second brain! A balanced gut microbiome is the foundation of good health, influencing everything from nutrient absorption to mood and immunity.

Common signs of an unhappy gut? Bloating, gas, fatigue after meals, and digestive discomfort. The solution? A fiber-rich diet, hydration, exercise, and gut-balancing supplements like ZinoBiotic+, our tailored blend of eight natural dietary fibers.

Support your gut, fuel your well-being! 🌱💚 Learn more about the power of gut health here: https://go.zinzino.com/guthealth

#Zinzino #GutHealth #Microbiome #ZinoBiotic #HealthyLiving

🧠✨ Your gut is more than just a digestive system – it’s your second brain! A balanced gut microbiome is the foundation of good health, influencing everything from nutrient absorption to mood and immunity. Common signs of an unhappy gut? Bloating, gas, fatigue after meals, and digestive discomfort. The solution? A fiber-rich diet, hydration, exercise, and gut-balancing supplements like ZinoBiotic+, our tailored blend of eight natural dietary fibers. Support your gut, fuel your well-being! 🌱💚 Learn more about the power of gut health here: https://go.zinzino.com/guthealth #Zinzino #GutHealth #Microbiome #ZinoBiotic #HealthyLiving

🧠 Brain Health = Essential Health!
As we age, our brains need extra support. Did you know that low Omega-3 levels can speed up cognitive decline? DHA and EPA are critical for brain function, but most diets fall short. Enter BalanceOil+ Premium – your brain’s new best friend.

🥇 BalanceOil+ Premium: Science-Backed Brain Fuel
This powerful supplement combines molecularly tested fish oil with extra virgin olive oil (R.E.V.O.O) for maximum absorption, delivering:

✔ DHA & EPA – Support normal brain function*
✔ Polyphenols – Protect blood lipids from oxidative stress*
✔ Vitamin D3 – Boost immune function & cognitive health*

📌 Why Choose BalanceOil+ Premium?
🔹 Optimizes Omega-6:3 balance in just 120 days
🔹 R.E.V.O.O stabilizes Omega-3s
🔹 Track your progress with a BalanceTest

💡 Pro Tip: Take BalanceOil+ daily and use a BalanceTest to track your Omega-3 journey for better brain health.

🔗 Learn more: https://go.zinzino.com/balanceoilpremium

*EFSA approved health claims

#BrainHealth #Omega3Balance #ZinzinoScience #Zinzino #InspireChangeInLife

🧠 Brain Health = Essential Health! As we age, our brains need extra support. Did you know that low Omega-3 levels can speed up cognitive decline? DHA and EPA are critical for brain function, but most diets fall short. Enter BalanceOil+ Premium – your brain’s new best friend. 🥇 BalanceOil+ Premium: Science-Backed Brain Fuel This powerful supplement combines molecularly tested fish oil with extra virgin olive oil (R.E.V.O.O) for maximum absorption, delivering: ✔ DHA & EPA – Support normal brain function* ✔ Polyphenols – Protect blood lipids from oxidative stress* ✔ Vitamin D3 – Boost immune function & cognitive health* 📌 Why Choose BalanceOil+ Premium? 🔹 Optimizes Omega-6:3 balance in just 120 days 🔹 R.E.V.O.O stabilizes Omega-3s 🔹 Track your progress with a BalanceTest 💡 Pro Tip: Take BalanceOil+ daily and use a BalanceTest to track your Omega-3 journey for better brain health. 🔗 Learn more: https://go.zinzino.com/balanceoilpremium *EFSA approved health claims #BrainHealth #Omega3Balance #ZinzinoScience #Zinzino #InspireChangeInLife

🧠 Struggling with brain fog, forgetfulness, or sluggish thinking? It might be time to put test-based nutrition into practice.

🔬 Omega-3s are essential for maintaining brain health and cognitive function, but do you know your levels?

Zinzino’s BalanceOil+ is scientifically tested to:
✔ Increase Omega-3 levels
✔ Support brain function
✔ Promote a positive mood

📊 Take the test, see your balance, and start your journey to better brain health today.


#TestBasedNutrition #BrainHealth #Zinzino #BalanceOil #Omega3

🧠 Struggling with brain fog, forgetfulness, or sluggish thinking? It might be time to put test-based nutrition into practice. 🔬 Omega-3s are essential for maintaining brain health and cognitive function, but do you know your levels? Zinzino’s BalanceOil+ is scientifically tested to: ✔ Increase Omega-3 levels ✔ Support brain function ✔ Promote a positive mood 📊 Take the test, see your balance, and start your journey to better brain health today. www.zinzino.com #TestBasedNutrition #BrainHealth #Zinzino #BalanceOil #Omega3

💭 Sharper focus. Stronger memory. Better mood.
Your brain thrives on omega-3 fatty acids—specifically EPA and DHA, which are essential for brain cell communication and neuroprotection. Yet, modern diets are overwhelmingly deficient in these critical nutrients.

🔎 Why does this matter?
A high intake of processed foods and omega-6-rich oils creates an imbalance, leading to inflammation—a key contributor to brain fog and cognitive decline.

💡 Here’s where Zinzino steps in.
Our BalanceOil+ is formulated with a science-backed ratio of Omega-3s and polyphenols from extra virgin olive oil, ensuring better absorption and bioavailability. More than just a supplement, it’s a scientifically proven solution to restoring your brain’s balance.

🧠 The research is clear:
• Higher Omega-3 levels = better memory, focus & mental clarity
• DHA contributes to normal brain function & structure

📊 Take the guesswork out of brain health.

With our BalanceTest, you can measure your Omega-6:3 ratio and see exactly what your body needs.


#ScienceBacked #BrainHealth #PersonalizedNutrition #Zinzino #InspireChangeInLife

💭 Sharper focus. Stronger memory. Better mood. Your brain thrives on omega-3 fatty acids—specifically EPA and DHA, which are essential for brain cell communication and neuroprotection. Yet, modern diets are overwhelmingly deficient in these critical nutrients. 🔎 Why does this matter? A high intake of processed foods and omega-6-rich oils creates an imbalance, leading to inflammation—a key contributor to brain fog and cognitive decline. 💡 Here’s where Zinzino steps in. Our BalanceOil+ is formulated with a science-backed ratio of Omega-3s and polyphenols from extra virgin olive oil, ensuring better absorption and bioavailability. More than just a supplement, it’s a scientifically proven solution to restoring your brain’s balance. 🧠 The research is clear: • Higher Omega-3 levels = better memory, focus & mental clarity • DHA contributes to normal brain function & structure 📊 Take the guesswork out of brain health. With our BalanceTest, you can measure your Omega-6:3 ratio and see exactly what your body needs. www.zinzino.com #ScienceBacked #BrainHealth #PersonalizedNutrition #Zinzino #InspireChangeInLife

🧠 It’s Brain Awareness Week! 🧠
March 10-14, 2025, is all about raising awareness for brain health. At Zinzino, we’re here to support your brain with science-backed solutions. Your brain controls everything – thoughts, memory, emotions – so fuelling it with the right nutrients is crucial for long-term health.

🔬 Did you know?
✔️ The brain is 60% fat – Omega-3s are essential for brain cell function.
✔️ Imbalanced Omega-6:3 levels can lead to cognitive decline, brain fog, and mood swings.
✔️ The Zinzino BalanceTest provides a personalized view of your Omega-6:3 balance, empowering you to take focused steps toward improved brain health.

💡 This week we’ll cover:
✅ The science of Omega-3s & brain health
✅ How sleep & nutrition impact cognitive performance
✅ Solutions to optimize mental well-being

🎯 Take control of your brain health! Test your Omega-6:3 levels with the BalanceTest and rebalance with BalanceOil+, our proven Omega-3 supplement.
Let’s bring balance - one brain at a time. 💚


#BrainAwarenessWeek #BrainHealth #BalanceOil #BalanceTest #Zinzino #InspireChangeInLife

🧠 It’s Brain Awareness Week! 🧠 March 10-14, 2025, is all about raising awareness for brain health. At Zinzino, we’re here to support your brain with science-backed solutions. Your brain controls everything – thoughts, memory, emotions – so fuelling it with the right nutrients is crucial for long-term health. 🔬 Did you know? ✔️ The brain is 60% fat – Omega-3s are essential for brain cell function. ✔️ Imbalanced Omega-6:3 levels can lead to cognitive decline, brain fog, and mood swings. ✔️ The Zinzino BalanceTest provides a personalized view of your Omega-6:3 balance, empowering you to take focused steps toward improved brain health. 💡 This week we’ll cover: ✅ The science of Omega-3s & brain health ✅ How sleep & nutrition impact cognitive performance ✅ Solutions to optimize mental well-being 🎯 Take control of your brain health! Test your Omega-6:3 levels with the BalanceTest and rebalance with BalanceOil+, our proven Omega-3 supplement. Let’s bring balance - one brain at a time. 💚 www.zinzino.com #BrainAwarenessWeek #BrainHealth #BalanceOil #BalanceTest #Zinzino #InspireChangeInLife

🌊🐟 𝗚𝗲𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝘂𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗳𝗶𝘀𝗵 𝗼𝗶𝗹! 💚

Time to upgrade your wellness game with our next-gen Polyphenol Omega BalanceOil. We've blended the best fish oil with extra virgin olive oil, creating a dynamic duo of antioxidants that'll supercharge your Omega-3 absorption.

A spoonful a day keeps the imbalances away! 🥄✨ Balance your fatty acids, protect your heart, and boost brainpower with this ultimate wellness combo.

🔗 Ready to find your balance? 👉🏻 https://go.zinzino.com/balanceoil

#Zinzino #OmegaBalance #FishOil #Polyphenols #Omega3 #Antioxidants #HeartHealth #NextLevelWellness

🌊🐟 𝗚𝗲𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝘂𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗳𝗶𝘀𝗵 𝗼𝗶𝗹! 💚 Time to upgrade your wellness game with our next-gen Polyphenol Omega BalanceOil. We've blended the best fish oil with extra virgin olive oil, creating a dynamic duo of antioxidants that'll supercharge your Omega-3 absorption. A spoonful a day keeps the imbalances away! 🥄✨ Balance your fatty acids, protect your heart, and boost brainpower with this ultimate wellness combo. 🔗 Ready to find your balance? 👉🏻 https://go.zinzino.com/balanceoil #Zinzino #OmegaBalance #FishOil #Polyphenols #Omega3 #Antioxidants #HeartHealth #NextLevelWellness

✨ Ready to upgrade your health game? Start your journey with Zinzino and experience personalized nutrition that’s as unique as you are! 🌱💡

No more guessing, just real science. Our test-based approach gives you the tools to unlock your true potential and create a life of balance. 🧬💪

Inspired by the breathtaking beauty of nature—think fjords, northern lights, and the wild wonders of the world—our solutions bring harmony to your body and soul. 🌌

Fuel your body with precision. Empower your mind with results. Together, let’s make wellness a way of life. 🌎💚

Are you in? Kickstart your Balance Concept today: https://go.zinzino.com/BalanceConcept

#Zinzino #BalanceYourLife #YourHealthYourWay #WellnessThatWorks #PersonalizedNutrition

✨ Ready to upgrade your health game? Start your journey with Zinzino and experience personalized nutrition that’s as unique as you are! 🌱💡 No more guessing, just real science. Our test-based approach gives you the tools to unlock your true potential and create a life of balance. 🧬💪 Inspired by the breathtaking beauty of nature—think fjords, northern lights, and the wild wonders of the world—our solutions bring harmony to your body and soul. 🌌 Fuel your body with precision. Empower your mind with results. Together, let’s make wellness a way of life. 🌎💚 Are you in? Kickstart your Balance Concept today: https://go.zinzino.com/BalanceConcept #Zinzino #BalanceYourLife #YourHealthYourWay #WellnessThatWorks #PersonalizedNutrition

🌷 Celebrate You This Valentine’s Day! 🌷 Discover 5 empowering self-care tips to honor yourself. Whether you’re enjoying your own company, in a loving relationship, or embracing the single life, the most essential bond is the one you have with yourself. 🌈 Start your day with a wholesome breakfast, dive into your favorite hobbies, connect with nature, hang out with friends, or revive an old passion (like a cherished hobby or class!). 🎊

#SelfCare #ValentinesDay #WellnessJourney #ZinzinoLove

🌷 Celebrate You This Valentine’s Day! 🌷 Discover 5 empowering self-care tips to honor yourself. Whether you’re enjoying your own company, in a loving relationship, or embracing the single life, the most essential bond is the one you have with yourself. 🌈 Start your day with a wholesome breakfast, dive into your favorite hobbies, connect with nature, hang out with friends, or revive an old passion (like a cherished hobby or class!). 🎊 #SelfCare #ValentinesDay #WellnessJourney #ZinzinoLove

🌷 Celebrate You This Valentine's Day! 🌷 Discover 5 empowering self-care tips to honor yourself. Whether you’re enjoying your own company, in a loving relationship, or embracing the single life, the most essential bond is the one you have with yourself. 🌈 Start your day with a wholesome breakfast, dive into your favorite hobbies, connect with nature, hang out with friends, or revive an old passion (like a cherished hobby or class!). 🎊

Explore our latest blog for inspiring ideas to boost your self-esteem and make this Valentine’s Day truly special 👉🏻 https://go.zinzino.com/HealthyValentines

#SelfCare #ValentinesDay #WellnessJourney #ZinzinoLove

🌷 Celebrate You This Valentine's Day! 🌷 Discover 5 empowering self-care tips to honor yourself. Whether you’re enjoying your own company, in a loving relationship, or embracing the single life, the most essential bond is the one you have with yourself. 🌈 Start your day with a wholesome breakfast, dive into your favorite hobbies, connect with nature, hang out with friends, or revive an old passion (like a cherished hobby or class!). 🎊 Explore our latest blog for inspiring ideas to boost your self-esteem and make this Valentine’s Day truly special 👉🏻 https://go.zinzino.com/HealthyValentines #SelfCare #ValentinesDay #WellnessJourney #ZinzinoLove


Gabriele Helmer

Gabriele Helmer

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö CMO +46 72 215 85 81

Tervetuloa Zinzino !

Olemme testipohjaisen ja yksilöidyn ravitsemuksen edelläkävijöitä Skandinaviasta. Tehtävämme on tuoda tasapainoa maailmaan – yksi henkilö kerrallaan. Aloita terveysmatkasi uraauurtavilla ja tieteellisesti todistetuilla ratkaisuilla, jotka tukevat uuden sukupolven ravitsemusta.


Hulda Mellgrens gata 5

421 32 Västra Frölunda

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