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Uppsala Health Summit on Antibiotic Resistance to follow decision by WHO

Shortly after the World Health Organization (WHO) global action plan on antibiotic resistance has been adopted in May 2015, researchers, politicians and representatives from public health organizations and the pharmaceutical industry will gather in Uppsala, Sweden, to discuss the most urgent next steps.

The growing problem of antibiotic resistance, which compromises our ability to treat common infections, represents one of the greatest threats to public health and security worldwide.

In May, the World Health Assembly (WHA) will decide on a "Global action plan on antimicrobial resistance". The plan was requested by the same assembly last year and since then the WHO and the member states have worked on a draft plan[1] in collaboration with FAO[2] and OIE[3].

On June 2-3 the Uppsala Health Summit will gather experts, stakeholders, international public health organizations, national agencies and governments, the international research community, NGOs (non-governmental organizations) and pharmaceutical and diagnostic companies for a dialogue on how to embark on the Global action plan.

Thomas Tängdén, Assistant Professor and Chairman of Uppsala Health Summit Program Committee commented: “The Global action plan lists a number of highly important measures to curb resistance while assuring access to effective antibiotic treatment today and in the future. However, its realization demands cooperation between all nations and different stakeholders. To take the next steps we must be able to engage in open dialogue on who and how. How can we finance necessary action, and how can we incentivize different stakeholders to take action? There is still much work to do, but the dialogue at Uppsala Health Summit will help us defining the next steps to take. We cannot afford to wait.”

During the summit, working groups will engage in dialogue focusing on animal production, environmental dimensions, new economic models, need for diagnostics, models for research and innovation, and how to create the necessary access to antibiotics for all while avoiding excessive use.

The program is available here:

Read more about antibiotic resistance:

For more information or questions, please contact:

Anneli Waara, Senior Press Officer, Uppsala University: +46 704 25 07 18 (mobile) or

Uppsala Health Summit is an international forum for frank and open dialogue on how to pave the way for research results and innovations to improve health and healthcare, to which decision-makers, experts and opinion leaders are invited.

Uppsala Health Summit’s second conference takes place June 2-3 and is themed A World without Antibiotics

[1] Draft global action plan on antimicrobial resistance

[2] FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

[3] OIE: World Organisation for Animal Health


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