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International Conference on Stammering 24-28th August
International Conference on Stammering 24-28th August

Press release -


STAMMA, the British Stammering Association, is holding an international stammering conference at Liverpool University this August, with activists and people who stammer coming from around the world.

This 5-day extravaganza incorporates STAMMA’s biennial conference with the International Stuttering Association’s (ISA) World Congress. STAMMA was invited to host the Congress following their campaigns ‘Find the Right Words’ and ‘No Diversity Without Disfluency’, which have been copied by organisations around the world.

Keynote speakers include:  musician JJJJJerome, actor and podcaster Scroobius Pip, author Hannah Tovey and activists Hanan Hurwitz and Patrick Campbell.


People will travel from Cameroon, Japan, the USA, Rwanda, Germany, Italy, South Africa, Denmark and Sweden to attend the event. They will join lifelong STAMMA members and those new to the charity, with many in the UK having seen STAMMA's ‘Not Just One Day’ advert in Pearl & Dean cinemas across Britain.

The conference will include over 40 workshops, four keynote plenaries, tours and entertainment. It will bring together not just people who stammer and their families, but also speech and language professionals and academics. From teachers who want to support children who stammer, and employers and colleagues, artists, poets and writers, or anyone interested in disability rights, charity campaigning on a global scale, grassroots activism and community-building.

A separate Family Day, sponsored by Action for Stammering Children, will allow parents of children who stammer to learn more and meet other parents while their children and teenagers can connect with others like them and build confidence through a range of fun activities.

Jane Powell, CEO at STAMMA said, “These conferences are a real highlight for people who stammer, no-one minds how they talk, and they’ll meet others, like them, some of whom may have gone their whole life hiding their stammer and never meeting anyone like them.

Marcos Fernandez Pardo, CEO of Ibérica Restaurants, who are the event's main sponsors said "Supporting STAMMA is part of our diversity and inclusion programme. We chose stammering to lead this since our CEO and an HR executive both stammer, so we already have excellent leadership within the organisation. It is paving the way for a far broader programme”.

Sponsors of individual sessions and days:-  

  • Action for Stammering Children, the UK charity representing children and young people who stammer and their families.
  • City Lit, the UK’s largest provider of courses for adults has been providing support for adults who stammer or stutter for over 50 years.
  • Refinery, is one of the top 10 privately owned integrated marketing agencies in the Northwest
  • YPO, provides products and services to around 15,000 schools across the UK.
  • Stamurai is a speech therapy app for stuttering.
  • Kaleidoscope Health & Care is a consultancy of a different kind. We bring people together to improve health and care.

Full, partial and Family Day day tickets are still available from here.

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Our Purpose

We exist to create a world that makes space for stammering. Where it's embraced as just a difference. Where no-one judges your stammer or the way you choose to deal with it. We’ll get there by bringing people together, whether they stammer or not, to propel a movement for change.

We will stand up for and embolden those who stammer, provide support and information, and challenge discrimination wherever we find it. We’ll fight for NHS speech and language therapy services for those want it. No matter how you talk, we're here for you.

Join us and help the public understand that stammering is not a sign of being drunk, dishonest, nervous or weak. It’s simply how some of us talk.


Jane Powell

Jane Powell

Press contact CEO +44 20 8983 1003
Neha Shaji

Neha Shaji

Press contact +442045824144 

Pritie Billimoria

Press contact Director Comms & Fundraising

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It's How We Talk

Founded in 1978, Stamma, the British Stammering Association is a national registered charity dedicated to creating a better world for people who stammer. Through its website:, helpline and backing of local meetup and self-help groups, the British Stammering Association provides information and support for people who stammer and those living, supporting or working with them. The BSA is a membership organisation with members taking an active role in the election of trustees and in the strategic direction of the charity.

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