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Simply outstanding – that’s Guardian Angels

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Simply outstanding – that’s Guardian Angels

Inspectors had just one word after a visit to Guardian Angels Primary School – outstanding.

The school has received top marks in every aspect from the education watchdog Ofsted: leadership and management, behaviour and safety of pupils, quality of teaching, achievement of pupils, and Early Years provision.

This is the second consecutive time that the school, in Leigh Lane, Bury, has been given an ‘outstanding’ rating.

“The outstanding leadership of the head teacher, strongly supported by staff and governors, has successfully driven the school even further forward since the previous inspection,” said Ofsted.

“Governors are highly effective and fully involved in all aspects of the school’s work. They demonstrate excellent knowledge of the school, which enables them to hold school leaders thoroughly to account.”

The inspectors added: “The curriculum is enriched with memorable experiences and is successfully planned to support pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development very well.

“Pupils’ attitudes toward learning are exemplary. They are confident learners who regularly produce high quality work. Behaviour in classrooms and around the school is excellent. Pupils are highly respectful toward adults and each other. Pupils say that they feel very safe and well cared for in school.”

Ofsted said that the quality of teaching is excellent, and the high expectations of staff were evident in the standards of work produced by pupils.

“By the end of Year 6, attainment is well above average and, from their individual starting points, pupils achieve exceptionally well in reading, writing and mathematics,” said Ofsted.

“Strong relationships with parents are forged when children join the early years and parents remain highly supportive of the school. Excellent leadership of the early years department has resulted in outstanding teaching, and children being very well prepared to join Key Stage 1.”

Mr Dennis Harrison, head teacher at Guardian Angels, said: “This is a wonderful testament for our school as it is a really special place. I love being the head teacher here because the staff are fantastic, the families we serve are truly supportive and because the children are simply delightful – a joy to teach!

“We have a saying here: ‘Once an Angel always an Angel! I think every person in our school family should be very proud to be a part of these happy times. The Ofsted team clearly recognised exactly what makes the school so special.”

Amd Mrs Julie Kernaghan, chair of governors, added: “I am delighted that the Ofsted team have been so positive in their inspection report. We know how hard everyone works and strives to provide the children with the best possible start with their education. A big well done all round!”


Press release issued: 9 February 2015.

Picture: Celebrating their ‘outstanding’ Ofsted rating are Guardian Angels head teacher Dennis Harrison and pupils Joshua Branney and Ivan Marcos (Year 1) and Isabella Howarth and Jennifer Murphy (Year 5).

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Peter Doherty

Peter Doherty

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