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Radcliffe Regeneration – your invitation to take part

Press release -

Radcliffe Regeneration – your invitation to take part

Radcliffe’s Strategic Regeneration Framework (SRF) is the masterplan to support regeneration, investment and growth over the next 15 years.

Every household in the town is now receiving a leaflet outlining the progress made so far and how they can take part in ensuring the vision becomes a reality.

Residents are being invited to take part in the online Radcliffe Regeneration Q & A Webinar, which will be held on Thursday 11 March at 6pm (joining details below).

This is your chance to hear about the latest proposals for the ongoing regeneration of Radcliffe, ask questions and find out how to get involved.

Councillor Eamonn O’Brien, leader of Bury Council, said: “The council is looking to allocate £36 million for the delivery of this plan over the next three years - the biggest investment in Radcliffe in a generation. This is just the beginning, as we aim to attract significant external funding on top of this.

"It’s clear from our initial feedback that residents want to see high-quality housing, more jobs and training, a new school, community facilities and better public transport.”

Councillor Rhyse Cathcart, chair of the Radcliffe Regeneration Advisory Group (RRAG), added: "We want all Radcliffe residents to join in and help us fulfil these ambitions. Radcliffe is a great town and we have so much to be proud of. Together, we can make sure it is one of the region’s best places to live, work and visit."

The council intends to put Radcliffe forward for the Levelling Up Fund once that is open for applications, which could attract significant investment into the town.

How to join the Radcliffe Regeneration Q & A Webinar:

Date: Thursday 11 March 2021, from 6pm to 7.30pm.

Register in advance at:

Submit your questions in advance of the event – email

If you can’t attend - the webinar, including the Q&A session, will be published after the event at

Updates on the priority projects:

  • A Civic Hub. The SRF proposes a new Civic Hub in the town centre that may house community space, council services, retail, leisure and work space. Concept designs and costings are being developed to support external funding bids.
  • Market Chambers. Council funding has been identified to start the refurbishment of this high-profile building. A bid has been submitted to the GM Decarbonisation Fund to help with the cost of new solar panels, a heat pump system and insulation.
  • School Street. This site has potential for around 90 dwellings. The council has secured £880,000 from the GM Brownfield Land Fund and has submitted a planning application for remedial and enabling works to be carried out on the site.
  • East Lancashire Paper Mill Site. Outline planning permission for up to 400 dwellings is in place, and the council is working with Homes England to bring forward development of the site. Site surveys are under way and the site will soon be marketed.
  • Radcliffe Secondary School (Spring Lane). The council made the former Coney Green High School site available for a new secondary school. With the council’s support, Star Academies submitted a bid to the Department for Education (DfE) in November 2019 for funding to build the new school. The Government announced on 5 February 2021 that this bid had been successful, and detailed plans are now being drawn up to make the school a reality.

To oversee the development of the SRF the council has set up the following groups:

Radcliffe Cabinet Committee (RCC)

This provides the political leadership for the delivery of the SRF. It includes the leader of Bury Council, two members of the council’s cabinet, and Radcliffe ward councillors from all political parties.

Radcliffe Regeneration Delivery Board (RRDB)

This is chaired by Sir Howard Bernstein, former chief executive of Manchester City Council. It includes Christian Wakeford, MP for Bury South; the leader and the chief executive of Bury Council; and senior staff from Transport for Greater Manchester and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.

The group will provide expert oversight to ensure that the SRF’s projects are heading in the right direction, and will seek to identify funding opportunities.

Sir Howard said: “The growth and vibrancy of the town centre is a priority for everyone but engagement with all those who live in, work in and visit Radcliffe is also important to ensure that what we plan and deliver meets their priorities. I welcome the council’s commitment to engagement and look forward to working with the fullest range of stakeholders.”

Radcliffe Regeneration Advisory Group (RRAG)

This includes all Radcliffe councillors, representatives from the local community and businesses, and council officers, giving them the chance to have their say and influence the SRF proposals.

Councillor Rhyse Cathcart, group chair, said: “I really welcome the progress made on delivering these plans. It’s vital that everyone in Radcliffe can play their part in continuing to shape these improvements and create a vibrant town centre which people will be proud of.”

Programme Management Office (PMO)

This will lead the day-to-day development and delivery of SRF projects. It includes a dedicated SRF project manager, the council’s chief executive and senior council officers.


Press release issued: 24 February 2021.





Peter Doherty

Peter Doherty

Press contact Press Officer Press Office

Committed to providing good quality services to our residents

Bury Council consists of six towns, Bury, Ramsbottom, Tottington, Radcliffe, Whitefield and Prestwich. Formed in April 1974 as a result of Local Government re-organisation it was one of the ten original districts that formed the County of Greater Manchester. The Borough has an area of 9,919 hectares (24,511 acres) and serves a population of 187,500.

Bury Council

Knowsley Street
BL9 OSW Bury, Lancashire