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Higher Lane gets higher Ofsted rating

Press release -

Higher Lane gets higher Ofsted rating

Pupils and staff are celebrating after their school was given a higher rating by education watchdog Ofsted.

Higher Lane Primary in Whitefield is now officially classed as ‘good’, up from its previous classification as ‘requiring improvement’. 

Inspectors gave the school an ‘outstanding’ score for the behaviour and safety of its pupils, along with ‘good’ for leadership and management, quality of teaching, achievement of pupils, and its Early Years provision.

“Pupils’ achievement is good because current pupils are now making good progress from their different starting points in reading, writing and mathematics,” said Ofsted. “Standards in reading, writing and mathematics vary over time but are showing an improvement across the school because teaching is now good.

“Well-planned provision means that children in the early years settle quickly into school life and make good progress in the reception unit.”

Ofsted added: “Teachers and well-trained teaching assistants provide well-targeted support to ensure that disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs, disadvantaged pupils, minority ethnic pupils and those pupils in the early stages of learning English now make good progress.

“Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary, both in and out of lessons. They are very proud of their school and show excellent attitudes to learning. Pupils say they feel extremely safe in school; the older pupils take their responsibilities very seriously and support younger pupils in a mature manner.

“The curriculum makes a strong contribution to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Pupils have a strong sense of right and wrong and are prepared well for life in modern Britain.”

The inspectors concluded: “The school has improved rapidly since the appointment of the new head teacher because she has inspired the senior leadership team. Together they have improved pupils’ achievement, the quality of teaching and behaviour and safety. Governors have supported the head teacher in raising the quality of teaching and pupils’ achievement.”

Carol McLachlan, head teacher at Higher Lane, said: “I am exceptionally proud of our recent Ofsted report. As a team, have worked extremely hard to address the issues that the school faced and we have had the full support of the governors, the local authority and the parents. I am exceptionally pleased with the outstanding judgement for behaviour and safety as it reflects our pupils' positive attitudes to school. I am looking forward to moving forward with the school so that it becomes an outstanding school.”


Press release issued: 11 December 2014.

Picture: Carol McLachlan, head teacher at Higher Lane, with (from left) head girl Madelaine Farnan, deputy head girl Nadia Ali, and head boy Anton Collett.

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Peter Doherty

Peter Doherty

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