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Gold award crowns decade of Blooming brilliance

Press release -

Gold award crowns decade of Blooming brilliance

Bury has capped a decade of environmental success by winning its first Gold Award in the ‘small city category’ at the 2013 national RHS Britain in Bloom finals.

Bury was also chosen out of nearly 80 finalists to receive the Environmental Responsibility Award for best demonstrating good management of resources. 

It follows another triumph at the regional North West in Bloom awards, when Bury was announced as ‘Best large town’ for the tenth successive year and also given a Gold Award. 

On the national Gold Award, RHS judges said: “It was great to see this dynamic North West town back in the national finals of Britain in Bloom, especially noting the financial climate and its effect on civic horticulture. 

“The Bury in Bloom campaign has risen to the challenge and produced an outstanding entry, changing much of the seasonal planting to perennials and taking note of their experience in the campaign over the past few years. First entered 11 years ago, Bury now ranks as one of the best in the region and with this year’s Gold Award winning entry the town is now at the very pinnacle of the national Bloom campaign.” 

On the RHS environmental responsibility award, an RHS spokesperson said: “At most places we visited on our tour, we met recycling officers working on initiatives to improve percentages. Bury was different. Bury was very serious about not just increasing rates but was leading by example, working within the council. 

“Bury has moved from one of the lowest recycling towns in Greater Manchester at 28% to the third best at 46%, with plans to top 50% during  2014.

“Its recycling team regularly goes out to schools to work on projects. It has displays to make you think and act and that cover every aspect of environmental responsibility, recycling, food sense, energy consumption and the search for residents to become green ambassadors.”

To achieve a national Gold Award entrants have to demonstrate exceptionally high standards, a consistent approach, best practice and continuing development and sustainable effort. 

Councillor Jane Lewis, cabinet member for leisure, tourism and culture, said: “I am delighted and proud that Bury has won these prestigious national and regional awards. To attain a national Gold Award and be at the top of the regional contest for ten years running is an amazing feat. 

“Not only is this great news for our borough, it’s a fantastic reward for our hands-on community volunteers, business sponsors and council workforce as well as many of our schools and all our residents that have embraced recycling and made it a part of their daily life. Everyone’s contribution has been vital to keeping our town looking its best for everyone who lives, works, studies and visits the borough.” 

In the North West in Bloom Neighbourhood Awards, Stock Street residents and Walnut Avenue allotments both improved on their results from last year by moving up a level from ‘Developing’ to ‘Thriving’. 


Press release issued: 27 November 2013.

Picture attached: A waterwheel feature display, sponsored by Summerseat Garden Centre.

Notes to editors:

The regional and national ‘in bloom’ awards presented to Bury from 2003 to 2013 are as follows.


Runner-up, Best large town, North West in Bloom


Best large town in the North West

Best new landscape feature

Best Environmental Award (St Thomas’s School)


Best Large Town, North West in Bloom

Best feature in a public place

Silver Award, Britain in Bloom


Best Large Town, North West in Bloom

Best feature in a public place


Best Large Town, North West in Bloom

Environmental Quality Award

Silver Award, Britain in Bloom


Best large town, North West in Bloom

Clean Sweep Award


Best large town, North West in Bloom

Heritage Award

Local Routes Award

Silver-Gilt Award, Britain in Bloom


Best large town, North West in Bloom

Gold Award, North West in Bloom


Best large town, North West in Bloom

Gold Award, North West in Bloom

Silver-Gilt Award, Britain in Bloom

RHS Floral Award, Britain in Bloom


Best large town and gold award, North West in Bloom

Best town centre, North West in Bloom

The Environmental Award for local authorities, North West in Bloom


Best large town and gold award, North West in Bloom

Gold Award, Britain in Bloom

Environmental Responsibility Award, Britain in Bloom

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Peter Doherty

Peter Doherty

Press contact Press Officer Press Office

Committed to providing good quality services to our residents

Bury Council consists of six towns, Bury, Ramsbottom, Tottington, Radcliffe, Whitefield and Prestwich. Formed in April 1974 as a result of Local Government re-organisation it was one of the ten original districts that formed the County of Greater Manchester. The Borough has an area of 9,919 hectares (24,511 acres) and serves a population of 187,500.

Bury Council

Knowsley Street
BL9 OSW Bury, Lancashire