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Council stands with Ukraine on Independence Day

Press release -

Council stands with Ukraine on Independence Day

Wednesday 24 August 2022 marks 31 years since Ukraine declared independence from the Soviet Union and six months since the country was invaded by Russia.

“On Ukrainian Independence Day we stand with all those Ukrainians who have made Bury their home, whether they have been here for a long time or if they have recently arrived,” said Councillor Richard Gold, Cabinet Member for Communities.

“The Ukrainian community in Bury has a long and proud tradition and the invasion of their country has touched the hearts of so many.

“Those who have newly arrived in the borough have found a warm welcome and a wide range of support from the council, local groups and the community.

“Our thoughts go out to you all and our thanks to everyone who has supported you to come to our town from the hosts providing accommodation to the community groups who are supporting Ukrainian people to settle.

“It always amazes me - but never surprises me - how willingly the people of Bury come forward to help when there's a crisis. As a family we will continue to support those coming to our borough.

“And as a symbol of our unity with the Ukrainian people we have flown the Ukrainian flag since the start of the war.

“Our thoughts are with those still in Ukraine during their struggle for freedom.”

Tatiana, who has arrived in Bury through the Homes for Ukraine scheme, added: "Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of Bury! On behalf of all Ukrainians, we want to thank all the representatives for your incredibly warm welcome and what you did for us in matters of social security when we all came to your town while fleeing from the brutal war in our country!

"We did not even expect that you would accept us so easily, help us with advice and benevolence so that we could better settle here in your friendly place.

"We can confidently say that we all feel a part of your big Bury family by now. We have access to all aspects of the city's social and cultural life.

"We feel protected and confident that our children, young and old, go to schools and kindergartens in this area
All of us Ukrainians live in different parts of the city of Bury, but we also have a great opportunity to meet everyone on Tuesdays in Tottington Centre to exchange our news, opinions and just talk about Ukraine and get Bury Council support.

"So on the day of celebration of the Independence Day of Ukraine here in Bury, we believe that the Victory Day of Ukraine is coming soon and would like to express our sincere thanks to the people of Bury for your support!"                                                                                          

Українська громада в Бурі має давню і горду традицію, і вторгнення в Україну торкнулося сердець багатьох людей.

Наші думки звернені до всіх вас і наша подяка всім, хто підтримав вас, щоб приїхати до нашого району. Ті, хто нещодавно прибув до району, знайшли теплий прийом та широкий спектр підтримки з боку ради, місцевих груп та громади. Дякуємо окремим особам та сім'ям, які приймали людей та багатьом громадським групам по всьому Бурі, які підтримали український народ, щоб оселитися тут.

Мене завжди вражає - але ніколи не дивує - наскільки охоче люди Бері виступають на допомогу, коли настає криза. Як сім'я ми будемо продовжувати підтримувати тих, хто приїжджає до нашого району.

І як символ нашої єдності з українським народом ми майоріли під українським прапором з початку війни.

Наші думки з тими, хто ще перебуває в Україні під час їхньої боротьби за свободу.

Ми стоїмо разом з Україною.




Peter Doherty

Peter Doherty

Press contact Press Officer Press Office

Committed to providing good quality services to our residents

Bury Council consists of six towns, Bury, Ramsbottom, Tottington, Radcliffe, Whitefield and Prestwich. Formed in April 1974 as a result of Local Government re-organisation it was one of the ten original districts that formed the County of Greater Manchester. The Borough has an area of 9,919 hectares (24,511 acres) and serves a population of 187,500.

Bury Council

Knowsley Street
BL9 OSW Bury, Lancashire