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Consultation on proposed changes in adult social care

Press release -

Consultation on proposed changes in adult social care

Adults who use social care are being invited to give their views on proposals to make budget savings in the service.

A number of options are being proposed relating to Persona Care and Support Limited, which provides services supporting those with learning disabilities, dementia and older people. These include day care, supported living, extra care, respite and shared lives.

Consultation on the proposals starts today (Monday 24 May) and the closing date for responses is Friday 2 July. Comments will be included in afurther report which the council will use to make a decision on whether to implement the proposals.

Persona customers are being written to with the details, and the full proposals can be read on the One Community Website

Councillor Andrea Simpson, cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: “As a result of reductions in public spending and the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, we have to reduce our spending significantly. Over the next three years, we are making savings of £12 million from our current adult social care budget of £52 million.

“It’s not simply about cuts, however. Our aim is to keep providing the current level of service, but to find less expensive and better ways of doing this: looking at what care we buy and how, transforming services, and creating an all-age disability service.”

There are three proposals:

Day care

The proposal is to reduce the number of day care places the council buys from Persona by removing unused capacity.

For existing day service customers, the support they currently receive will not reduce. However, in order to provide best value, it is proposed to provide the service from one location (Grundy) rather than two (the other being Pinfold Lane). If agreed, the dementia day service would have its own secure area at Grundy and be refurbished to be ‘dementia-friendly’.

Short stay

The proposal is to reduce the number of places of short stay which the council buys from Persona by removing unused capacity.

Short stay is where customers live for up to 6 weeks as a break from their normal place of care, to provide carers or family members a break from caring or because a person may need some short term support to recuperate.

There are two Persona buildings that offer short stay care: Spurr House and Elmhurst. Having a reduced number of beds will mean that only one building is needed. Based on the costs of maintaining each facility, it is proposed that Elmhurst be the one to remain open.

An all-age disability service

There are currently two separate services for people with learning disabilities: one for young people/children, and one for adults.

The aim is to provide one service for all customers whatever their age. While this is being developed, the proposal is to bring forward the age at which children transition to adult services, to 13 or 14. This will enable more appropriate support of the individual and their family to be put in place, reduce expensive placements outside Bury, and provide opportunities for local education, housing and respite care.

Residents can give their views on the proposals in a number of ways:

Online: Visit the One Community website and follow the instructions to complete the survey.

Email: Responses should be sent to

Post: Write to: ASC Savings Options for Persona Care and Support Limited, Bury Council, 3 Knowsley Place, Duke Street, Bury, BL9 0EJ.

Five online public meetings will also be held: to attend, contact the organisation arranging the sessions and they will send you an invitation:

Session 1 – Wednesday 9 June (10.30am – noon)

This is for people who have a Learning Disability and is organised by Bury People First. To attend the session: contact Bury People First by email ( or call 0161 705 4342 or 07939 127811.

Session 2 – Wednesday 9 June (6.30pm – 8pm)

This is for family members or those who care for someone with a Learning Disability, and is organised by Bury People First. To attend the session: contact Bury People First by email ( or call 0161 705 4342 or 07939 127811.

Session 3 – Wednesday 16 June (10.30am – noon)

This is for people who have a Learning Disability and is organised by Bury People First. To attend the session: contact Bury People First by email ( or call 0161 705 4342 or 07939 127811.

Session 4 – Wednesday 23 June (1pm – 2.30pm)

This is a session for anyone to attend who may want to share their views. This session is organised by Healthwatch Bury. To attend the session: contact Andrea or Annemari at the Healthwatch Bury office by email ( or call 0161 253 6300.

Session 5 – Monday 28 June (2pm – 3.30pm)

This is for anyone who may want to share their views. This session is organised by Bury Council. To attend the session: either email or leave a voicemail on 0161 253 6885 providing your name, telephone number and email address.

If you need help to take part in the consultation, or have any questions about the proposals, please speak with either Bury People First on 0161 705 4342 or Healthwatch Bury on 0161 253 6300. Copies of the proposals can be provided in other languages, in Braille and in large print on request.


Press release issued: 24 May 2021.





Peter Doherty

Peter Doherty

Press contact Press Officer Press Office

Committed to providing good quality services to our residents

Bury Council consists of six towns, Bury, Ramsbottom, Tottington, Radcliffe, Whitefield and Prestwich. Formed in April 1974 as a result of Local Government re-organisation it was one of the ten original districts that formed the County of Greater Manchester. The Borough has an area of 9,919 hectares (24,511 acres) and serves a population of 187,500.

Bury Council

Knowsley Street
BL9 OSW Bury, Lancashire