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​Be inspired by our Adult Learner of the Year

Press release -

​Be inspired by our Adult Learner of the Year

Residents are being encouraged to join one of the many new courses being run by Bury’s Adult Learning Service.

They might be inspired by Hadassah Dome, who has just been chosen as the Adult Learner of the Year.

Hadassah was presented with her certificate at the annual awards ceremony in Bury by Councillor Rishi Shori, leader of the council; the Mayor of Bury, Cllr Jane Black; and Cllr Tamoor Tariq, cabinet member for communities and safer neighbourhoods.

She had been nominated by her tutor Glenys Webb, who said: “Hadassah attended the course because she appreciated that a lack of English qualifications was limiting her success in the job market. By achieving her Level 2 qualification she has addressed this but she is now keen to continue studying and achieve a GCSE, which I have no doubt she will do. Hadassah is actively looking for work opportunities and I am sure her strengthened CV will lead to a positive outcome for her.”

Hadassah said: “Bury Adult Learning Service has given me the opportunity to successfully complete the functional skills Level 2 qualification. All staff were very patient and understanding of my needs and encouraged me to finish my qualification, which has got me wanting to further my studies by continuing to study up to CGSE level.

“My experience with this wonderful service has been a pleasant but challenging journey to get to where I am now. The first step was the hardest, but when you have a goal that you want to achieve and build your capabilities then you strive for something bigger and will get there.”

The new autumn course guide is now available from Bury Adult Learning Centre and via

For further advice and information, please ring 0161 253 7501 or email


Press release issued: 1 August 2018.

Picture: Hadassah Dome receives her Adult Learner of the Year certificate from Cllrs Rishi Shori, Jane Black and Tamoor Tariq.

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Peter Doherty

Peter Doherty

Press contact Press Officer Press Office

Committed to providing good quality services to our residents

Bury Council consists of six towns, Bury, Ramsbottom, Tottington, Radcliffe, Whitefield and Prestwich. Formed in April 1974 as a result of Local Government re-organisation it was one of the ten original districts that formed the County of Greater Manchester. The Borough has an area of 9,919 hectares (24,511 acres) and serves a population of 187,500.

Bury Council

Knowsley Street
BL9 OSW Bury, Lancashire