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Town centre estate “reopens” following £2m regeneration work

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Town centre estate “reopens” following £2m regeneration work

A town centre housing estate in Radcliffe that has been transformed by a £2 million investment by Bury Council was officially “reopened” by the Mayor of Bury.

90 social housing properties on St Thomas Estate, which are managed by Six Town Housing on behalf of Bury Council, have been provided with new external rendering, roofing, windows, doors, insulation and brick cladding.

The mayor, Councillor Mike Connolly, and his consort Ian Hargreaves addressed attendees and cut a ribbon to symbolise the programme’s completion at an event arranged by Six Town Housing and contractor A Connolly Ltd to say “thank you” to residents for their patience while the works were carried out.

Cllr Connolly said: “I took great pleasure in officially reopening St Thomas Estate following the programme of work. Walking around, it feels like it has been reinvigorated and re-energised."

Refreshments were provided for attending residents from the estate, along with a DIY workshop and free games, face painting and balloon modelling for local children.

The work was carried out to resolve issues of brick spalling in homes, an issue raised by the Radcliffe Times in 2014. At the time, several tenants called for the homes to be “condemned”.

Diane Cooke, a tenant from the estate who attended the reopening with her 2 year old granddaughter Rosie, said: “It's a vast improvement, I'm pleased with the work and it looks really nice. The new windows and doors also mean my home is a lot warmer. I enjoyed the reopening event run by Six Town Housing this week, it seemed popular with the kids when they came back from school.”

Cllr Rishi Shori, leader of Bury Council, was also in attendance. He said: "It's great to see the result of our £2m investment in housing at St Thomas estate, as we work to improve the quality of our housing stock across the borough. It has transformed an area in a state of disrepair into what resembles a brand new housing estate."

As a result of the investment, the work on the estate was shortlisted for Best Regeneration Scheme at the Housing Excellence Awards 2016. It also attracted a visit from Swedish housing company Riksbyggen in March this year, who wanted to find out more about the scheme to see if it could influence similar projects at home.


Issued: 10 October 2016.

Picture: The official ‘reopening’ of St Thomas estate after a £2 million refurbishment, with (front, from left) Cllr Rishi Shori; Ian Hargreaves; the mayor, Cllr Mike Connolly; Hugh Broadbent, chair of Six Town Housing; Pat Jones-Greenhalgh, the council’s executive director of communities and wellbeing; and Sharon McCambridge, Six town Housing chief executive.

Note to editors:

Six Town Housing is an arm’s length management organisation (ALMO) set up in April 2005 to manage Bury Council's housing stock and a range of other assets, including garages, shops and a number of community facilities.

We provide a wide range of services to our customers, directly and through service level agreements, contracts and partnerships.





Peter Doherty

Peter Doherty

Press contact Press Officer Press Office

Committed to providing good quality services to our residents

Bury Council consists of six towns, Bury, Ramsbottom, Tottington, Radcliffe, Whitefield and Prestwich. Formed in April 1974 as a result of Local Government re-organisation it was one of the ten original districts that formed the County of Greater Manchester. The Borough has an area of 9,919 hectares (24,511 acres) and serves a population of 187,500.

Bury Council

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BL9 OSW Bury, Lancashire