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New Candidate Insights: Job-Seekers Prefer Personalized Interview Feedback

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New Candidate Insights: Job-Seekers Prefer Personalized Interview Feedback

In today’s market, job-seekers demand a lot of things from the hiring process, and two things in particular: information and feedback. With this in mind, Tengai can now give every candidate personalized feedback while also assisting hiring teams with objective assessments.

STOCKHOLM, Sep 8, 2022 - Six months ago, Tengai AB released the Autofeedback feature and the latest statistics now show that candidate satisfaction has increased from 80% to a splendid 90% (would like to do it again in another process). Not only that, 80% (from previously 64%) of candidates will now recommend Tengai to others after receiving personalized feedback. 

The Chief Product Officer at Tengai, Sinisa Strbac, explains how the feedback feature is important to enhance the candidate experience.

-Since the conversation in our candidate screening software is both demanding and deep, candidates get the urge to understand more about the outcome and what’s becoming the foundation for a recruiter’s decision in the next step. This is another step in making Tengai more convenient, rewarding, and efficient for candidates. Because job-seekers deserve to get useful feedback from the screening process, even if they aren't invited to the next step of the process. With our interactive avatar that accurately and safely can assess personality, we have managed to create a modern and exciting experience!

Every applicant deserves feedback

The whole purpose of Tengai is to give candidates the possibility to add more information to their process and to make sure that everyone is being treated fairly and objectively. The AI interview is validated by psychometric experts to ensure a completely unbiased process and accurately score personality traits related to work performance. Regardless if an applicant is selected for a personal interview, the new Autofeedback feature allows job-seekers to get feedback during the conversation that gives an idea of how the interpretation of their personality is made, before the result is sent to the recruiter in the next step.

About Tengai’s AI interview

During the conversation with Tengai, candidates are asked a series of questions related to their personality and behavior, which results in valuable information for the recruiter to have in the early stages of the recruitment funnel. Tengai's AI interview is created out of several approaches, to ensure a better way to assess candidates’ future work performance and a higher predictive validity.

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Tengai's Job Interview Mitigates Unconscious Bias

Tengai AB is a Stockholm-based HR Tech startup that is combining AI and an unbiased recruitment methodology in the world’s first unbiased interview software, Tengai.

The interview software is enhancing the candidate experience, freeing up time, and helping recruiters and hiring managers in making objective hiring decisions. The Tengai Robot™ was originally a collaboration between recruitment and staffing agency TNG, who programmed the diversity and inclusion software at the TNGx innovation lab, and Furhat Robotics, who built the robotics platform and OS where Tengai’s application is running. Today, Tengai AB and Furhat Robotics continue to partner and develop the next generation of unbiased interview tools.


Elin Öberg Mårtenzon

Elin Öberg Mårtenzon

Press contact CEO +46 709 379 645
Debora Hermele

Debora Hermele

Press contact Marketing Specialist +46 722 636 407

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Next Level of Conversational AI for Recruitment

At Tengai AB we combine behavioral science and established interview techniques with advanced conversational AI so recruiters get access to structured data and quickly can identify matches between candidates and jobs. Tengai’s AI interview contributes to higher candidate engagement and is proven to create to a more objective screening process.

Tengai Unbiased

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211 19 Malmö, Sweden

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