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Leading the way for recruiters and businesses in ethical AI

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Leading the way for recruiters and businesses in ethical AI

Using AI for talent acquisition can reduce workload, and increase results, giving HR departments and businesses a competitive edge. Without the right safeguards, however, AI can cause harm and exacerbate existing inequalities in recruitment. In order to tackle these inequalities, Tengai has created and recently published their AI ethics white paper, which commits to helping organizations and HR managers go beyond optimizing for efficiency but build to increase equity.

STOCKHOLM, Feb 23, 2023 - Tengai AB has taken a stand against unethical AI and aims to help organizations and HR managers achieve responsible AI development on a global scale. This starts with educating HR professionals and organizational leaders on how to select an AI tool and how to ensure their own tools keep up with the rapidly changing tech landscape. In order to accomplish this, Tengai wrote a detailed white paper, which contributes to the growth and understanding of AI ethics. You can read the white paper at

“Our vision is to make the employment market a more equitable place for all candidates seeking employment, reducing bias and providing companies with a pool of talent that is as diverse as possible. We use our AI to promote diversity and aid in the achievement of equal opportunity for everyone regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, or disability status.” - Elin Mårtenzon, CEO at Tengai

Tengai takes a stand for ethical AI in recruitment

Tengai is a human-like recruitment avatar designed to assess candidates competency in a completely unbiased way. One of Tengai's greatest strengths is its inability to judge. Tengai’s advanced interview process is completely free from unconscious bias. A candidate's age, gender, appearance, and dialect become irrelevant thanks to Tengai's inclusive recruitment AI. How did Tengai get this so right?

The Tengai team recognizes their software can impact individuals and society in a big way. They take this responsibility seriously and work hard to construct and use the AI avatar under strict ethical guidelines and principles.

AI avatar Tengai for ethical recruitment

How to develop and identify responsible AI recruitment solutions

Among 7,504 people surveyed by Beamery about their thoughts on AI in talent management, 51% thought all AI algorithms adhered to ethical standards. Unfortunately, this isn't true. To achieve responsible AI together, HR departments and businesses need to understand these key bias mitigation strategies below.

Be transparent with your AI

Demonstrate to candidates and employees how your technology behind your selection processes is fair, compliant, and ethical. Tengai supports regulations that require candidates to be informed about AI usage, and we encourage informed consent throughout the process.

Protect candidates privacy

Protect individuals against any adverse effects from the use of personal information in AI. Tengai developed their AI without access to candidates' personal data, such as social media data, facial recognition, and how a person speaks, in the hiring process.

Regularly monitor and test your AI for bias

As candidate demographics and data evolve, bias can develop. Even in tools previously found to be bias free. Tengai’s development team is open to regular scientific evaluations that analyze hiring data and make adjustments that ensure Tengai continues to minimize bias.

Build more diverse teams

To mitigate bias, it’s necessary to have different profiles of people creating algorithms and analyzing data sets. Tengai strives to build diverse teams, as they believe representation is crucial to examine their own AI in a more critical way.

“As our society continues to evolve with rapid innovation in emerging technologies, in particular AI, we will continue to evolve and further develop our principles to ensure that we hold ourselves to the highest standards.” - Elin Mårtenzon, CEO at Tengai

Recruiters and businesses need to ensure they use AI ethically in recruitment because it can shape the world's ability to innovate, transform, and accelerate across industries and geographies.

About Tengai

Tengai is transforming the way organizations discover, engage, and hire top talent. Tengai seeks to enhance the candidate's experience by streamlining the screening process and sending personalized feedback to every applicant. Tengai is the industry’s leading end-to-end hiring platform that has been connecting companies and candidates for 20+ years and is proudly part of the Nordic Ethical AI landscape.

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Call: +46 8 586 20 900

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Next Level of Conversational AI for Recruitment

Tengai AB is a Stockholm-based HR Tech startup that is combining AI and an unbiased recruitment methodology in the world’s first human-like interview avatar, Tengai.

The interactive AI interview is enhancing the assessment process, contributes to higher candidate engagement, and assists HR professionals in making objective hiring decisions. The framework is validated by psychometric experts to create to a more objective screening process without any human interference.


Elin Öberg Mårtenzon

Elin Öberg Mårtenzon

Press contact CEO +46 709 379 645
Debora Hermele

Debora Hermele

Press contact Marketing Specialist +46 722 636 407

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Next Level of Conversational AI for Recruitment

At Tengai AB we combine behavioral science and established interview techniques with advanced conversational AI so recruiters get access to structured data and quickly can identify matches between candidates and jobs. Tengai’s AI interview contributes to higher candidate engagement and is proven to create to a more objective screening process.

Tengai Unbiased

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211 19 Malmö, Sweden

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