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A culture of mutual trust and collaboration

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A culture of mutual trust and collaboration

We have a strong focus on our organizational culture in Systematic, which might be a Nordic particularity, a culture where nothing is more important than our colleagues. We are one team and we trust each other.

The moment you enter Systematic on your first day, you get all of our trust because we have faith in the recruitment process and know that once you have completed all the steps, we no longer have to focus on your competencies, but on our tasks and our work as a team. This leads to high transparency in the company from top to bottom.

As a manager, I can be transparent and this contributes to a better understanding of the decision-making process and leading to better communication so that we, together, can find the right solutions. Another important aspect of this value, trust, is that it enables us to challenge each other. We are all top professionals in our fields and we have great business acumen. Therefore, when we look at the problem at hand, we often have different perspectives we see it from and we can challenge each other’s perspectives and allowing us to see the problem from different angles.

What makes Systematic unique

Danes are said to be the happiest people in the world – and we do have a lot of fun. Sometimes we’re perceived as informal because we use humor and believe that having fun is an enabler to work together. It is important for us to know each other personally when we work together, so we always invite all of our new colleagues to start their journey in Systematic with minimum one week in Denmark for onboarding. This way, they start building a network in the company and start their collaborations more personally.

We are a modern company with a Danish foundation and a global mindset. We want everyone that is part of the company across the world to meet us at our headquarters in Aarhus, Denmark, to experience what it’s like to be part of Systematic. We want everyone to know they are part of something bigger. A huge organization is behind them, supporting them to succeed, while also assisting the employees in finding their professional path.

The onboarding takes place in Denmark where, during 1 week, you get to meet Michael Holm, founder and CEO of Systematic. He greets all new employees and discusses their role in the company. Together with him, the VPs for each business unit, participate during different onboarding sessions where you hear their vision, strategy, and their tactical plans for the upcoming year. We also make sure that you are thoroughly introduced to all cultural differences that we are meeting in Systematic. We have offices around the world and need to respect each other and be culturally aware.

In addition, we invite all new employees to the headquarters for onboarding to get a feeling of the organizational culture. We strive to have physical onboarding in Denmark but unfortunately, due to the pandemic, we had to adapt to the digital environment. But when we will be able to travel again, we will gather all the new employees for a networking session.

Teambuilding activities are also an important aspect of our culture. Together with the team, we are creating results. As you see, we are a team-oriented culture and we believe that the most important journey is to have team cohesion. This also touches upon trust –one cannot go without the other. I trust my team and by showing that “I can give you my heart” I trust that you can handle it. That inspires the group to be loyal, honest, and open.

Be part of the team

We focus on two overall aspects: your profile and your motivation. This enables both of us to predict your success within our organization.

We are interested in your profile as it leads to a discussion about your values and personality and in this dialogue, it becomes clear for all of us involved in the process (the hiring manager, you as a candidate, and us as recruiters) if Systematic is a place where you will thrive and grow.

During the interview we are making sure that you have business acumen, you are team-oriented and you care about more than your current task. We are looking for someone who is both team and process-oriented. Another aspect we are looking for is how you are as a person, how motivated you are to be part of a company that makes a difference.

My advice would be to consider the following:

  • why do you think Systematic could be your next employer – do our culture and values fit yours?
  • what motivates you in your everyday work situation and finally,
  • be honest and trust us, when we say that we strive to make this recruitment a win-win situation. We want to make you successful within our team and for us to achieve this, we need you to be honest, and open in the dialogue.

Grow with us

Depending on your career goals, you can develop in different directions. You can either choose to become an expert in the industry by developing on a path where you develop a broad pallet of skills or you can choose the leadership career path.
In Systematic we believe that ongoing professional development is crucial for the well-being of our employees. Our approach to development is based on ensuring life-long learning for the benefit of both employees and the company.

We are inviting all colleagues to development talks to discuss their career aspirations twice a year and monthly to one-to-one alignment meetings with their managers. The outcome of such talks includes mutually agreed-upon plans for development, activities that match each employee’s particular capabilities and personal ‘passion’ as well as the overall Systematic strategy. We offer a range of different activities to help implement all this, from formal classroom teaching and mentoring to knowledge networks and on-the-job training.

As I see it, achieving personal performance is a team effort. It means taking responsibility for my own work, for your work, for our team’s work, and Systematic’s delivery to our customer – we have a common responsibility for delivering, what is agreed.

This calls for me to:

  • be a good teammate and help you, when needed, knowing that you would also help me
  • be pro-active ensuring that I understand what you ask of me
  • seek clear alignments to avoid misunderstandings and that things are trapped between rays
  • constructively give and receive feedback, believing that feedback is a gift given to developing each other.

The list is much longer but to sum it up – being team orientated, being loyal to Systematic, always having our customers in mind, and finally being hardworking are the things that characterize an excellent performer in Systematic.

Future plans

Systematic is on a journey – a journey of growth. Looking at the past 5 years alone, our revenue has grown by 50% and our number of employees doubled to over 1,000 around the world. We make excellent software that simplifies decision-making for our customers – we make a difference for them and we do not intend to change that. Thus, we are always looking for top-of-the-class colleagues, who want to join our team creating great software and have fun while doing it.

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Maia Lindstrøm Sejersen

Maia Lindstrøm Sejersen

Press contact PR & Communication Manager +45 4196 5013


Since our foundation in 1985, we have developed into an international IT company that focuses on five core business areas: Digitalisation, Healthcare, Defence, Intelligence & National Security, and Library & Learning

A common feature of all these sectors is a need to integrate, compare and analyse large volumes of complex data, and to generate an overview that allows decision-making based on a solid foundation, often in critical situations.
Even though our customers are active in many different fields, what we do is actually quite narrowly focused. As we see it, our role is to make complicated things simple, to continue development of the solutions that our customers already know and trust, and do everything a little better - and to constantly challenge existing work processes and technologies.

Everything we do at Systematic is expressed in our four brand values: Simplicity. Trust. Performance. Forward-thinking.

Systematic A/S

Søren Frichs Vej 39
8000 Aarhus C

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