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Categories: weight management



在 1940 年,心理学家 William Herbert Sheldon 发明了一个能将人大致分为三种体型的分法。

1. 瘦型体质者(Ectomorph)
• 天生瘦,吃不胖
• 但是很难获得肌肉,并改变自己的体型
• 较窄的肩膀和臀部
• 新陈代谢较快
2. 胖型体质者(Endomorph)

Tips from body sculpting doctor, Dr. Ivan Puah, for a more svelte silhouette despite the festive feasting

Tips from body sculpting doctor, Dr. Ivan Puah, for a more svelte silhouette despite the festive feasting

It’s the most beautiful time of the year?
Chinese New Year is almost here, and many of us are going to enjoy more hearty meals with our family and friends and forget about our resolution to lose weight.
While it’s a great time to catch up with our loved ones, we should also watch our weight. You wouldn’t want to dump out all the beautiful clothes you’ve bought for Chinese New Year after the

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Aesthetics • Sculpting • Fitness

An Integrated Aesthetics, Sculpting & Fitness Clinic in Singapore by Dr. Ivan Puah since 2004.

Amaris B. Clinic

140 Arab Street
199827 Singapore