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Categories: weight loss

How Much Weight Loss Causes Loose Skin?

How Much Weight Loss Causes Loose Skin?

When one experiences rapid weight loss of about 20kg or more, the chances of loose skin increases as the collagen fibres do not have time to adapt and recover.

Difference Between Post-Holiday Weight Gain & Fat Gain? Here’s What’s More Concerning

Difference Between Post-Holiday Weight Gain & Fat Gain? Here’s What’s More Concerning

The travel bug has bitten us all, and there’s no denying the thrill of exploring new destinations and immersing ourselves in different cultures.
However, after the adventure ends and we find ourselves back home, a not-so-welcome souvenir may have tagged along: a few extra kilograms that greet us on the weighing scale. While you’re glad to have indulged in local delicacies, you’re probably looki

Men - Do you want to look better?

Men - Do you want to look better?

Dr Ivan Puah looks at why men want to make changes and answers some questions on the popular aesthetic and cosmetic treatments for men.

5 Most Common Problems Moms Face

5 Most Common Problems Moms Face

Mothers are real-life superheroes. But alas, mothers are human and just like any, have issues and concerns. Below are five of the most common ones.

The Aesthetics Clinic For Men

The Aesthetics Clinic For Men

At Amaris B. Clinic, we believe that everyone deserves to look and feel good. Accordingly, the extensive range of treatments we provide does accommodate to a man’s needs as well. Consequently, we have been seeing a rise in the number of male patients seeking appearance improvements and in addressing clinical issues like gynecomastia.



在 1940 年,心理学家 William Herbert Sheldon 发明了一个能将人大致分为三种体型的分法。

1. 瘦型体质者(Ectomorph)
• 天生瘦,吃不胖
• 但是很难获得肌肉,并改变自己的体型
• 较窄的肩膀和臀部
• 新陈代谢较快
2. 胖型体质者(Endomorph)




TikTok fads and other quick “fixes” to get a flat stomach

TikTok fads and other quick “fixes” to get a flat stomach

Chances are you’ve caught yourself in a mirror lately and wondered when the tummy showed up. While a smaller waist and flat stomach are considered by many to be the Holy Grail of fitness and photo ops, it can take years of workouts to achieve. But there is an easier, permanent solution.
Dr Ivan Puah, Medical Director of Amaris B. Clinic, says he is sensitive towards women’s love-hate relationsh

Will fat return after liposuction?

Will fat return after liposuction?

When something is bad, we all want to get rid of it immediately and, more importantly, permanently. This applies to almost everything in our lives, including our appearance. Hence it is not hard to understand why liposuction, with its near-immediate results and its ability to rid fat permanently, is the most commonly performed fat loss and body contouring procedure globally.

Still, there ar

How Long Does It Take to See Weight Loss Results?

How Long Does It Take to See Weight Loss Results?

Just like Rome, most other things weren’t built in a day, so have a little bit of patience and keep up the consistent effort. Still, the concerns are valid as, at times, effort and results don’t seem to correlate.

What Foods Cause The Fastest Weight Gain?

What Foods Cause The Fastest Weight Gain?

If you're trying to lose weight or prevent excessive weight gain, part of the solution is nutrition. It is challenging to restrain oneself from giving in to the vast spread of gastronomical temptations.

Ways To Prevent Menopausal Weight Gain

Ways To Prevent Menopausal Weight Gain

For a woman, the menopausal years bring many challenges and changes both physically and mentally. The least on the list of concerns should be weight gain, but alas and on the contrary, it is one of the top causes of anxiety and worry.

Swap These Local Dishes To Enjoy Lower Calories

Swap These Local Dishes To Enjoy Lower Calories

Although how much calories you typically need in a day is dependent on several factors, including gender and lifestyle – there is a likelihood you may consume them all in one sitting! Have a read on some local favourites and their alternative options that you can consider the next time you’re getting the hunger pangs.

The Weight Loss Conundrum

The Weight Loss Conundrum

Have you been on a diet or weight loss program only to reach a plateau? This point of stagnation where suddenly it seems you can’t lose any more weight can be a confidence breaker, but perhaps you can take consolation that it is a common problem for many.But why does it happen?

Is your brain making you fat?

Is your brain making you fat?

The brain is a powerful organ. It assembles messages and amongst its numerous functions; lets us know when we’re hungry. But is the brain making you fat?

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Aesthetics • Sculpting • Fitness

An Integrated Aesthetics, Sculpting & Fitness Clinic in Singapore by Dr. Ivan Puah since 2004.

Amaris B. Clinic

140 Arab Street
199827 Singapore