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Categories: liposuction

Is Liposuction Dangerous When Done Overseas? Here’s A Closer Look At Its Hidden Dangers

Is Liposuction Dangerous When Done Overseas? Here’s A Closer Look At Its Hidden Dangers

Today, beauty standards are shaped by the pixels of Instagram, TikTok trends, and an insatiable desire to look one’s best, which is why the allure of cosmetic enhancement has never been stronger.
For many, the path to aesthetic perfection leads them to venture beyond their home borders, chasing the promise of an idealised appearance through the lens of “lipo tourism”.

The appeal and peri

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Aesthetics • Sculpting • Fitness

An Integrated Aesthetics, Sculpting & Fitness Clinic in Singapore by Dr. Ivan Puah since 2004.

Amaris B. Clinic

140 Arab Street
199827 Singapore