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We Spend About 40 Years Of Our Life Working – Here’s The Bad And Ugly Of It

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We Spend About 40 Years Of Our Life Working – Here’s The Bad And Ugly Of It

Unless you’re George Clooney or Brad Pitt, the majority of men do not age as gracefully as they’d like to.

But that’s not to say we can’t slow it down and take a shot at ageing like ChuanDo Tan.

Let us walk you through the ageing process.

20s – The Peak Of Your Youth

This is typically the time men finish serving National Service (NS) and graduate and get a job.

Most men at this age would still put in the effort to look good for school or for work. It is also when they spend a lot of time building and catching up with their social circles.

Staying up to watch soccer with friends or playing games until 3 am despite having work or school the next day becomes an unhealthy habit especially when junk food is used to fuel those late nights.

And the effects of that unhealthy lifestyle do show. They show up as bumpy skin, duller skin tone, and acne.

If you thought they only appeared on your face, acne could also spread to the neck and back. Scratching them or trying to pop them might end up scarring the skin.

The solution: Amaris B. Clinic’s Acne Treatment helps control acne spots, diminish blemishes, and acne scars.

Depending on the severity of the skin’s condition, Medical Director Dr. Ivan Puah will recommend a treatment tailored to your acne problems, such as oral medication, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion.

30s – The Peak Of Your Career

As men hit the big three-oh, physical changes become more apparent.

The face would probably look more mature, perhaps with more facial hair. When before, you had a slim facial silhouette; now you’d have a stronger jawline.

Most men marry and settle down at this age as they progress in their careers, earning enough to start a family comfortably.

But juggling work and family responsibilities can be very tiring.

When you become so busy, you start finding excuses not to exercise despite subscribing to a well-known gym in town. Where did that determination to hit the gym go?

The solution: 4D Liposuction (Hi-Definition Lipo) targets unwanted fat in areas prone to gaining fat, for example, the abdomen and waist. It is a form of ultrasonic-assisted liposuction. It breaks down fat with ultrasound wave energy without disturbing the surrounding tissues.

4D Liposuction (Hi-Definition Lipo) is the answer for highly defined and sculpted abs. This treatment is intended for generally fit men who want to achieve that perfectly sculpted body.

40s – The Peak Of Your Fortune

By this age, most men would have progressed to a good position in the company or have at least achieved most of their career goals.

For many years, they have built their lives around their career, so this is the time they channel most of their energy and time on their family.

This is when most men develop the dreaded ‘dad bod‘ because there is just “no time” to work out anymore, and that paunch keeps growing despite the evening runs and weekend swims.

The solution: Sometimes, going to the gym religiously isn’t enough. As you age, your metabolism slows down. Amaris B Clinic’s weight loss treatment is a tailored and comprehensive programme, created by Dr Ivan Puah to help individuals who want to lose extra weight safely and steadily.

Amaris B. Weight Loss & Management programme incorporates medical interventions such as medications (oral/injections) that help to suppress the neuroendocrine pathway for a more sustainable weight loss, with personalised diet recommendation and fitness regimen.

During the consultation, Dr Puah will assess your health condition, discuss weight loss goals in detail, and develop the most appropriate plan according to your objective.

50s – The Peak Of Your Health

Gynecomastia is the development of the ‘man boobs,’ which could occur during puberty. It can also happen as men age.

It is a medical condition with real symptoms, such as tenderness and swelling of the breast tissues. Nearly 65 percent of men between 27 and 92 years old had some kind of gynecomastia. Adult gynecomastia is usually associated with increasing age due to progressive testicular hypofunction and increased weight and body fat. The prevalence of this condition peaks again between the ages of 50 and 69, with at least 1 in 4 men in this age group being affected.

The solution: Regain your confidence and be free from discomfort with Amaris B. Clinic’s Gynecomastia Surgery. The surgical approach developed by Dr Ivan Puah will consider the grade of the gynecomastia, glandular tissue-to-fat ratio, and parenchyma distribution of the patient.

Dr Ivan Puah aims to remove fibrous, painful glandular and excess fat tissues, and restore a natural-looking masculine body shape with the smallest possible incision.

Staying Youthful Even As You Age

Ageing doesn’t mean you can’t look good.

With Amaris B Clinic’s professional and medically-trained doctor, like Dr. Ivan Puah, who has been solving Singaporean men's and women’s aesthetics problems since 2004, you can look forward to better skin and a fitter body in the years to come.

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Aesthetics • Sculpting • Fitness

An Integrated Aesthetics, Sculpting & Fitness Clinic in Singapore by Dr. Ivan Puah since 2004.

Amaris B. Clinic

140 Arab Street
199827 Singapore