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Gynecomastia: Male Breast Pain

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Gynecomastia: Male Breast Pain

Men are concerned about the way they look and, according to research, even more so than women. Anxiety caused by perceived flaws of their physical appearance is a real issue and men do talk about it at times, among themselves.


According to Dr Phillippa Diedrichs, from the University of the West of England who conducted the survey, "These findings tell us that men are concerned about body image, just like women. We knew that 'body talk' affected women and young people, and now we know that it affects men too.” The survey was conducted among 394 British men.

Among the findings:

  • 80.7% talked about their own or others' appearance referring to weight, lack of hair or other appearance
  • 23% mentioned that perceived flawed appearance had deterred them from going to the gym
  • 63% thought their arms or chests were not muscular enough
  • 29% thought about their appearance at least five times a day
  • 18% were on a high-protein diet to increase muscle mass, and 16% on a calorie-controlled diet to slim down
  • 30% have heard someone refer to their "beer belly", 19% have been described as "chubby" and 19% have overheard talk about their "man boobs (moobs)"

It was also revealed that as a result of the anxiety, men have resorted to compulsive exercise, strict diets and even laxatives, among others, in the hope of addressing their appearance issues.


While there are men who talk about their insecurities when it comes to their appearance, most don’t. As such, they seek help privately if at all, as most resort to keeping quiet out of embarrassment. A condition like gynecomastia can cause actual pain but because of the stigma i.e. it being an embarrassing issue, most men live with the pain, at times excruciatingly.


Likely causes of gynecomastia are hormonal imbalance, genetics and, in some, due to the use of anabolic steroids. Gynecomastia may occur as a side effect of prolonged use of certain medications due to other medical conditions. Contributing factors such as age and massive weight loss can also be related to abnormal male breast development. However, the most frequent cause of gynecomastia is actually idiopathic.

When it does not regress spontaneously, Pubertal gynecomastia can result in enlargement with fibrosis of the glandular breast tissues causing an unfavourable appearance, which may lead to significant social and psychological impairment.

The most used classification is based on the tissue components involved in gynecomastia:

  1. True Gynecomastia - When only glandular tissue is the cause of male breast enlargement
  2. Pseudogynecomastia - When it is due to only fat deposits without the involvement of glandular tissues
  3. Mixed Gynecomastia - When both fat and glandular tissues are the cause of enlarged male breasts enlargement

It results in an overgrowth of breast tissue and a more feminine-like breast appearance. As much as it is physically embarrassing for a person, it is also a cause of real physical pain.

In men, the excess and enlarged glandular tissue in the breast tends to be more firm and fibrous. Additionally, glandular tissue does not respond to diet changes or exercise. Gynecomastia can occur on one or both breasts.

Breast enlargements that only involve fat deposits without glandular tissue proliferation are classified as pseudogynecomastia, which is also clinically known as lipomastia.

Individuals who suffer from pseudogynecomastia can embark on a weight-loss and exercise program as a first line treatment. When the diet and exercise plan does not work, a procedure like liposuction can permanently remove the excess fat accumulation.

For those who are suffering from true gynecomastia or mixed gynecomastia, the best available and clinically proven treatment is Gynecomastia Surgery, which can help to address the issue effectively.

Dr. Ivan Puah, Medical Director Amaris B. Clinic, is accredited by the Ministry Of Health Singapore to perform liposuction in Singapore, which is a requirement here. He has more than 20 years of clinical practice, of which 14 years were spent in the field of aesthetic medicine. Dr Puah’s personalised and meticulous approach have helped many gynecomastia sufferers to alleviate their body issues.

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