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Categories: stockfish

Renate Larsen and Gunhild Stordalen

“Seafood needs to be “sexier” to win hearts and bellies of modern consumers”

This is just one of the points raised by EAT founder Gunhild Stordalen when asked how to inspire a new generation of seafood consumers in a chat with Norwegian Seafood Council CEO Renate Larsen at this week’s North Atlantic Seafood Forum (NASF).
Stordalen and her organization EAT has been appointed by the UN ahead of this autumn’s Food Systems Summit, the first of its kind, to come up with gro

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Proudly representing Seafood from Norway

The Norwegian Seafood Council works with the Norwegian fisheries and aquaculture industries to develop markets for Norwegian seafood through local market intelligence, market development and reputational risk management. The Seafood Council is headquartered in Tromsø and maintains local representatives in twelve of Norway's most important international markets. The Norwegian seafood industry finances the activities of the Norwegian Seafood Council via a tariff on all Norwegian seafood exports. The Norwegian Seafood Council is a public company owned by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries.