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Umbilical Design hosts Northern Region Sustainability Roundtable in Sweden, in collaboration with European Space Agency – Coordination Office on Sustainable Development

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Umbilical Design hosts Northern Region Sustainability Roundtable in Sweden, in collaboration with European Space Agency – Coordination Office on Sustainable Development

European Space Agency – Coordination Office on Sustainable Development and Umbilical Design co-organize ESA’s Northern Region Sustainability Roundtable, to be held in Stockholm – Sweden, on November 10th and 11th 2014. Around 40-50 selected guests will attend this unique event, including representatives from national space agencies, ESA, companies of the space and sustainability sector as well as forefront researchers.

Umbilical Design is one of 14 ESA Technology Transfer Brokers. Our business is design for space and extreme environments and transfer of space technology to sustainable products and services that improve society and everyday life. Now Umbilical Design is honoured to be selected as host and co-organizer for the ESA Roundtable. Since 2012 ESA has been organizing these Roundtables, with the concept that each debate should relate to one of the pillars of Sustainable Development: environment, social, economics as well as general issues more related to governance. In 2014 the concept of the Roundtables was extended in order to involve more actors from ESA Member States. This is why after a first regional roundtable in the South in Lisbon, Portugal, the second regional roundtable will be held in the northern region. The focus of the coming two-day meeting will be Space for Sustainability and Sustainability in the Space sector. Sustainability reconciles to commercial interests and can open up new business opportunities. For organizations such as ESA, this awareness is a high-level element in corporate strategies and a tool for further innovation.

“Space actors share the same types of concerns, challenges and opportunities in the sustainability field. Exchanges of best practices are key for partnering and cooperating to try and find pertinent solutions or responses sometimes in an innovative way. We created the round-table series to build a platform of discussion among stakeholders be they from the Space area or from other areas because we learn a lot not only from what we have in common but also from our differences.” 
- Nathalie Meusy, Coordination Office on Sustainable Development, ESA Headquarters.

The aim of the ESA roundtable meeting is to create an exchange platform amongst actors in the space sector and to involve other actors with a strong policy and experience in Sustainable Development in the dialogues. In addition, there is the goal to involve local companies and actors in the dialogue with stakeholders and getting insights in local approaches to Sustainable Development.

“We are glad and honoured to be selected as host for the Sustainability Roundtable in Sweden, and to co-organize this important meeting with the ESA Coordination Office on Sustainable Development. Our goal is to drive Sustainable Development and innovation forward through Space Technology Transfer.” 
- Cecilia Hertz, Managing Director and Founder Umbilical Design.

For more information, please contact:

Nathalie Meusy; Head of the Coordination Office on Sustainable Development, ESA Headquarters, Paris, France.,

Karoline Marburger, Coordination Office on Sustainable Development, ESA Headquarters, Paris, France. + 33 1 53 69 77 32

Cecilia Hertz; Managing Director and Founder, Umbilical Design, Stockholm, Sweden, +46 70 575 46 51

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Umbilical Design AB was founded in 2001 by industrial designer Cecilia Hertz, and since its inception has worked with NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) on design for the space industry. Umbilical Design has also been successful in showing how design, technology and material from the space industry can be transferred to Swedish industry and society. Umbilical Design is 1 of 14 European companies that the ESA has designated as Space Technology Brokers within their Technology Transfer Network. Umbilical Design’s mission from the ESA is to oversee the transfer of technology from the space sector to Swedish industry with the overarching objective to stimulate business opportunities by exploiting the materials knowledge, methods and approaches of the space sector.


Cecilia Hertz

Cecilia Hertz

Press contact Managing Director Managing Director and founder of Umbilical Design +46 (0)70 575 46 51

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Space design and space technology transfer

Umbilical Design AB was founded in 2001 by industrial designer Cecilia Hertz, and since its inception has worked with NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) on design for the space industry. Umbilical Design has also been successful in showing how design, technology and material from the space industry can be transferred to Swedish enterprise and society. During 15 years Umbilical Design has been appointed as ESA innovation partner. Umbilical Design oversees transfer of technology from the space sector to Swedish industry with the overarching objective to stimulate business opportunities by exploiting the materials knowledge, methods and approaches of the space sector. Our main focus is to commercialize space technologies for a sustainable earth. Umbilical Design is a proud winner of 2016 Red Herring Top 100 Europe.