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M/S Artania
M/S Artania

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Sweden has got a new cruise port!

Municipality of Trelleborg, Port of Trelleborg and the local business community are working on a wide front to best accommodate the passengers when a cruise ship visits the city for the first time.

A total of 1200 German tourists are expected on July 19 when M / S Artania arrives to Port of Trelleborg. The passengers will be welcomed with music of the city's orchestra and information about Trelleborg. Thereafter, a lively city is waiting with various activities to visit, excursions by bus to Smygehuk or “Trelleborgen” and also shopping with special offers.

- There will also be German-speaking guides in the city and the stores have been asked to, if possible, receive euro as payments. We want the passengers to feel welcome in Trelleborg, says Ditte Fagerlund, CEO of Visit Trelleborg.

Even for the citizens there is the opportunity to make the day something out of the ordinary. Early in the morning, the London bus departs from Stortorget on a regular basis to the viewpoint west of Port of Trelleborg. There you can enjoy a picnic while watching the ship slip into the port at 8 o'clock in the morning.

This is the first time that a cruise ship enter Port of Trelleborg. It is the longer newly built ferry berth and the breakwaters that enabled Port of Trelleborg to receive M / S Artania.

- We have received inquiries earlier, but the port was too small before we expanded the breakwaters and the port basin for ships longer than 200 meters. After we reached an agreement with M / S Artania other shipping lines have also been interested, but nothing is decided yet, says Tommy Halén, CEO of the Port of Trelleborg.

The cruise ship is 231 meters long. It starts from Kiel in Germany, and is currently on a ten-day long trip in the Baltic Sea. The last stop before M / S Artania arrives to Trelleborg is Bornholm and after 12 hours at ferry berth 10 in the Port of Trelleborg, the crew will return at 8 pm on July 19 to Kiel, where the trip ends.

For more information and any questions about the visit of the cruise ship to Trelleborg, please contact Ditte Fagerlund, CEO, Visit Trelleborg., ditte.fagerlund@trelleborg.seor +46410 733194.



Port of Trelleborg is Scandinavia’s leading intermodal hub for international traffic and serves at least four transport corridors. The port hasconstant growth, stable economy, satisfied customers and employees with the environment in mind.

Trelleborgs Hamn - Skandinaviens största RoRo-hamn och Europas mest hållbara RoRo-hamn

Trelleborgs Hamn är Skandinaviens största RoRo-hamn för rullande trafik och hanterar en stor del av svensk export och import. Från Trelleborgs Hamn utgår färjeförbindelser till och från kontinenten, till Travemünde, Rostock, Sassnitz, Swinoujscie och Klaipeda, dygnet runt, året om. År 2023 passerade 1,3 miljoner enheter, 1,7 miljoner passagerare och 12,4 miljoner ton gods i hamnen.

Trelleborgs Hamn är Skandinaviens ledande intermodala hub för internationell trafik och servar minst fyra transportkorridorer. Hamnen har ständig tillväxt, stabil ekonomi, nöjda kunder och 144 medarbetare med miljön i fokus.

Vi har som uttalat mål att vara Europas mest hållbara RoRo-hamn. Vägen dit går via samarbete i stora EU-projekt, teknisk utveckling av reningsutrustning och bulleråtgärder tillsammans med fordonsleverantörer eller enklare aktiviteter som källsortering av avfall. Vissa saker tar många år att förverkliga, andra kan åtgärdas på några dagar.

Trelleborgs Hamn är en viktig del av Europas transportkorridorer och är sedan 2013 utsedd till corehamn av EU. Vi har verksamhet 24 timmar om dygnet och vi deltar i många olika spännande projekt.

Trelleborgs Hamn AB

Box 51
231 21 Trelleborg