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Port of Trelleborg's vision 2023
Port of Trelleborg's vision 2023

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All time high again in Port of Trelleborg

Port of Trelleborg secures its position as Scandinavia's largest RoRo port and reaches new record levels. During the first seven months Port of Trelleborg notes once again all-time high in increased volumes. Compared to the 2016 figures, the trucks have increased by 5.9%, trailers by 7.7%, passenger cars by 7.3% and passengers have increased by 6.3%.

"We can see that we had a very good volume development accumulated January to July. June and July were better than average, which is good for the rest of the year. We do not see any slowdown on volumes next year either. Our biggest increase is on the traffic to and from Poland, which has increased since it started in Port of Trelleborg in 2007. Our main problem for the traffic to Poland is the capacity of the ferry berths in Swinoujscie, which are too few to serve the vessels and callsthat the shipping companies wish for”, says Tommy Halén, Managing Director of Port of Trelleborg.

"In our budget for the infrastructure, we had budgeted with 3 % growth in 2017 but already we are 100 % over it. We are Scandinavia's largest RoRo port and has high numbers and the increase that we've had now is good even in real terms. We have approximately 700,000 trucks and trailers per year and an increase of six percent will be a large number of units to handle both inside and outside the port. The strong increase in traffic to the port has caused long queues on the highway during the summer, which highlights the importance of the decision of how to access the port in the future”, says Tommy Halén.

For Managing Director Tommy Halén, who leaves Port of Trelleborg at the turn of the month for new challenges, the latest statistics on volume development with strong growth is very gratifying.

Port of Trelleborg has from a transport perspective a very favorable geographical position in relation to continental Europe. The port has a high frequency in number of arrivals and departures per day and the three shipping lines TT-Line, Unity Line and Stena Line have 12 ferries that operate 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

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Port of Trelleborg is Scandinavia’s leading intermodal hub for international traffic and serves at least four transport corridors. The port hasconstant growth, stable economy, satisfied customers and employees with the environment in mind.

Trelleborgs Hamn - Skandinaviens största RoRo-hamn och Europas mest hållbara RoRo-hamn

Trelleborgs Hamn är Skandinaviens största RoRo-hamn för rullande trafik och hanterar en stor del av svensk export och import. Från Trelleborgs Hamn utgår färjeförbindelser till och från kontinenten, till Travemünde, Rostock, Sassnitz, Swinoujscie och Klaipeda, dygnet runt, året om. År 2023 passerade 1,3 miljoner enheter, 1,7 miljoner passagerare och 12,4 miljoner ton gods i hamnen.

Trelleborgs Hamn är Skandinaviens ledande intermodala hub för internationell trafik och servar minst fyra transportkorridorer. Hamnen har ständig tillväxt, stabil ekonomi, nöjda kunder och 144 medarbetare med miljön i fokus.

Vi har som uttalat mål att vara Europas mest hållbara RoRo-hamn. Vägen dit går via samarbete i stora EU-projekt, teknisk utveckling av reningsutrustning och bulleråtgärder tillsammans med fordonsleverantörer eller enklare aktiviteter som källsortering av avfall. Vissa saker tar många år att förverkliga, andra kan åtgärdas på några dagar.

Trelleborgs Hamn är en viktig del av Europas transportkorridorer och är sedan 2013 utsedd till corehamn av EU. Vi har verksamhet 24 timmar om dygnet och vi deltar i många olika spännande projekt.

Trelleborgs Hamn AB

Box 51
231 21 Trelleborg