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Salad bar sales is growing in Finland

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Salad bar sales is growing in Finland

Finns have become familiar with salad bars in grocery shops. The increasing popularity of salad bars reflects the consumers’ growing desire to collect the components of their meal with their own hands from a wide range of options. Having launched the salad bar concept in Finnish grocery shops in 2013, Picadeli Finland Oy is the market leader in Finland. Picadeli's turnover is growing strongly and the company wants to develop the market with full focus on salad bars.

Picadeli's success is based on listening to its customers and consumers and reacting to their wishes rapidly.

“The salad bar sales of our biggest customers are growing by two-digit figures. The salad bar business is growing in Finland and it has become a profitable part of shops’ offerings,” Nina Westerberg, MD of Picadeli Finland, says.

A well-maintained, fresh and versatile salad bar sells well. The fast eating category is growing and it includes pre-packaged salads and salad bars.

Mikko Salmia, the shopkeeper and director of K-Supermarket Kuninkaankulma in Tampere, is happy with the growing salad bar sales.

“The market has grown well and the current growth rate is over 20% – an increase you can’t miss. The retail sector as a whole is on the rise, of course, but not at the same rate.

Tero Huhtala, the shopkeeper and director of K-Citymarket Ruoholahti in Helsinki, has also noticed the exceptional growth rate.

“Sales have increased by more than 10 percent – 12% this year and the growth rate has been similar for several years now. However, the whole point is that when the salad bars were introduced in 2013, the sales of salad increased over tenfold compared to food counter sales.

Replacing an old salad bar with a Picadeli Arctic salad bar boosts sales.

“The Arctic is a salad bar developed by Picadeli. The Arctic is a good choice for shops as it helps to increase salad bar sales, reduce food waste, make working more efficient and further improve food safety and facilitate self-monitoring,” Nina Westerberg, MD of Picadeli Finland Oy, says.

According to shopkeeper Mikko Salmia, there are several factors that contribute to the success of salad bars.

“You have to take good care of the salad bar and make sure the assortment is wide, counter is impressive and it´s in a good location in the shop.”

Joonas Heinonen, director and shopkeeper of K-Supermarket Kaisaniemi in Helsinki, sees that salad bar brings extra value to the shop.

“Having reached the required volume of sales, the salad bar not only serves local customers but also generates revenue. In shops located in the city centre, like our shop, the salad bar is a wildly popular and highly valued part of the shop’s range, and salad bars will only become more important as the popularity of lunch and snack foods increases.”


Picadeli focuses on the development and growth of the salad bar market – an effort supported by the global megatrend of healthy eating. Picadeli's net sales amounted to approximately EUR 10.7 million in 2017.

The Picadeli concept was launched in Finland in 2013. Today they are the market leader in salad bars in Finland and Sweden and part of the international Greenfood Group.

Picadeli offers consumers the opportunity to make their lives simpler and more enjoyable by giving them the choice of how to build their meals. Picadeli believes that a tasty, healthy and inexpensive meal can bring out the best in everyone. This is their definition of real fast food.

Additional information:
Picadeli Finland Oy
MD Nina Westerberg
+358 (0)40 543 70 14


Frida Bresander

Frida Bresander

Presskontakt Marknadschef Sverige 0721 89 91 03

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Picadeli är en svensk salladspionjär som drivs av övertygelsen att snabbmat ska vara mat som är bra för dig. Idén är enkel; att demokratisera hälsosam mat och göra den tillgänglig, prisvärd och smakrik. Sedan starten 2009 har Picadeli gjort det möjligt för dagligvaruhandeln och servicehandeln att erbjuda konsumenten ett innovativt, fräscht och välsmakande koncept och de högteknologiska salladsbarerna återfinns numer i cirka 2000 butiker runt om i Europa och USA. Bolaget omsätter idag drygt 1,4 miljarder SEK per år vilket motsvarar närmare 3 miljarder SEK i detaljhandelsvärde.

Picadeli AB

Rullagergatan 1
41505 Göteborg