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Picadeli – winner in the category "Healthy food" for its healthy fast food concept
Picadeli – winner in the category "Healthy food" for its healthy fast food concept

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Picadeli wins prestigious award at Europe's largest foodtech event

Plant based, in combination with an advanced high-tech salad bar. Picadeli has developed a fast food concept aimed at grocery retail and convenience stores that is completely in line with today's strong health and sustainability trends. A salad bar that makes it easy for consumers to eat healthy by mixing their own salads from a large selection of different products, where as much as 70 percent consists of vegan alternatives. In just a few minutes, a healthy and affordable salad is composed.

- We have won the trust of consumers in every country we exported the concept to. Today, our digitized salad bars are in some 2,000 places and we sell an average of one salad every second, says David von Laskowski, CEO of Picadeli.

Picadeli winner at Europe's largest foodtech event Foodtech world summit

Food4Future's Foodtech world summit is Europe's largest industry event focusing on innovation and technology in the food and beverage industry. Every year, the most innovative companies are selected that have used groundbreaking technology to create change in the food sector. Over 250 exhibiting companies are participating at the event, which aims to accelerate the transformation of the food industry and make it healthier, smarter and more sustainable.

Picadeli is now awarded in the "Healthy food" category for how the company has used advanced technology, such as data cloud connectivity and AI, to create a salad bar that minimizes the work effort for the stores, and at the same time makes it easier for consumers to choose a healthy meal.

- This prize makes us really proud. Improved eating habits can have a great effect both for the individual and for public health. The win proves that the food industry appreciates our work to democratize healthy food, in the same way that Picadelli's international success proves that consumers around the world love our concept, says David von Laskowski, CEO of Picadeli.

Picadeli awarded multiple times for its healthy fast food concept

This is not the first time Picadeli has been praised for the rapid expansion of healthy fast food. The company has been awarded the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in France's annual company prize “Prix d’Excellence”, won “Product of the Year” in France twice, and been named “Supplier of the Year” at the Swedish Grocery Retail Gala.


Picadeli is a Swedish salad pioneer who is driven by the conviction that fast food should be food that is good for you. The idea is simple; to democratize healthy food and make it accessible, affordable and tasty. Since the start in 2009, Picadeli has made it possible for the grocery and convenience retail to offer an innovative and tasty concept to the consumer. Picadeli is established in Sweden, Finland, France, Germany, Belgium, Estonia and the USA. The company is part of the Greenfood Group, one of northern Europe's leading company groups in healthy food.


Frida Bresander

Frida Bresander

Presskontakt Marknadschef Sverige 0721 89 91 03

Måste snabbmat vara skräpmat?

Picadeli är en svensk salladspionjär som drivs av övertygelsen att snabbmat ska vara mat som är bra för dig. Idén är enkel; att demokratisera hälsosam mat och göra den tillgänglig, prisvärd och smakrik. Sedan starten 2009 har Picadeli gjort det möjligt för dagligvaruhandeln och servicehandeln att erbjuda konsumenten ett innovativt, fräscht och välsmakande koncept och de högteknologiska salladsbarerna återfinns numer i över 2200 butiker runt om i Europa och USA. Företaget säljer närmare 50 miljoner sallader per år.

Picadeli AB

Kontorsgatan 2
41511 Göteborg