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Conference: Additives and enzymes in food

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Conference: Additives and enzymes in food

Additives and enzymes in food: past, present and future from a global and consumer perspective

The 2016 Bertebos Conference is dedicated to Professor Jan Delcour and Professor Youling Xiong, who received the Bertebos prize in 2015. This year’s topic is in line with their research on additives and enzymes in food.

Food additives are substances that are added to food for the purpose of improving keeping quality and freshness, enhancing nutritional value, facilitating processing, and enhancing the product overall organoleptic properties. As a special group of food additive, exogenous enzymes are also widely used to aid in food processing and producing desirable functionality and food product quality. But what are the pros and cons of food additives?

The theme of the conference is functional and nutritional benefits of food ingredients and additives. The conference will cover a variety of topics and highlight technologically and biologically active components, compounds, and natural additives, including enzymes, in cereal and muscle based food products. The impact of various food additives on the nutrition, health, and organoleptic properties of foods, consumers’ attitude and government regulations and policies from a global perspective will be discussed in plenary speeches and by a roundtable panel.

The conference program consists of three scientific sections: Consumer aspects, functionalities in cereal based foods, and functionalities in muscle based foods as well as information on regulatory aspects, field trips to food industries and a general discussion on enzymes and additives in food.

We will bring together distinguished Swedish and international researchers, businesses from many disciplines, as well as prominent stakeholders to discuss different aspects and challenges facing food chain regarding additives and enzymes in food.


Time: Welcome dinner Sunday 28 August at 6 PM. Monday 29 Aug 9.30 AM – Tuesday 30 Aug 15 PM

Venue: Elite Hotel Strandbaden, Havsbadsallén 2 A, Falkenberg

Fee:SEK 3,000

Registration: no later than July 15th.

To registration

To more information and programme

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Peter Normark

Peter Normark

Presskontakt Akademisekreterare och VD Övergripande akademifrågor 08-5454 7702
Elin Mellqvist

Elin Mellqvist

Presskontakt Akademigeolog Områden inom de gröna näringarna som inte specifikt hör hemma inom jord- eller skogsbruk. 08-5454 7716
Sara Österman

Sara Österman

Presskontakt Akademiagronom Jordbruk och därtill hörande frågor. 08-5454 7706
Birgitta Naumburg

Birgitta Naumburg

Presskontakt Akademijägmästare Skog, skogsbruk och därtill hörande frågor 08-5454 7707
Agneta Davidsson Ohlson

Agneta Davidsson Ohlson

Presskontakt Konferenskoordinator/Kommunikatör Konferenser, kommunikation 08-54547712

Keiko Blesserholt

Presskontakt Stiftelsehandläggare (anslag, priser och belöningar) 08-5454 7713

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