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2022-10-28 Webinar: Leave No One Behind – challenges and opportunities for food security

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2022-10-28 Webinar: Leave No One Behind – challenges and opportunities for food security

As part of the global World Food Day celebrations 2022, the Swedish FAO Committee in collaboration with the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, KSLA, invite you to a webinar on October 28, Leave No One Behind – challenges and opportunities for food security.

Ending hunger is not only about supply. Enough food is produced today to feed everyone on the planet. The problem is access and availability of nutritious food, which is increas-ingly impeded by multiple challenges including the COVID-19 pandemic, conflict, climate change, inequality, rising prices and international tensions. People around the world are suffering the domino effects of challenges that know no borders.

This seminar will present the challenges and discuss the solutions for global foods security with examples from academia, NGOs, and business. The overall purpose is to stress the importance of multisector cooperation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal of zero hunger. Please join our effort in jointly finding a way forward towards an inclusive food system for all. Welcome!

Time & Venue
The meeting will be held on Zoom on October 28, 8.30 am until 12 (Zoom link will be sent out the day before the meeting)

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Per Eriksson

Per Eriksson

Akademibibliotekarie KSLA:s bibliotek och samlingar 08-5454 7717
Agneta Davidsson Ohlson

Agneta Davidsson Ohlson

Presskontakt Konferenskoordinator/Kommunikatör Konferenser, kommunikation 08-54547712

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Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien, KSLA

Drottninggatan 95 B, Box 6806
113 86 Stockholm