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Järfälla student winner in IES Essay Competition

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Järfälla student winner in IES Essay Competition

Mr. Morell was brought up in America, but has moved with his family to Sweden. In his winning essay, he reflects upon America as an American living in Sweden.

Second price, 3000 kronor, is awarded Kristine Lukins, IES Bromma, for her essay on the American confidence culture. "Yes, we can."

Third price, 2000 kronor, is awarded Christine Annerfalk, IES Linköping, for her essay on the American dream.

The jury consisted of Dr Hans Bergstrom, who took initiative to the competition three years ago and donates the awards, and Mr. Peter John Fyles, the CEO of Internationella Engelska Skolan and with a long background in education.

Each IES school has selected up to six student contributions to be sent to the jury, for final scrutiny and decision. Beyond the three award winners, the jury has decided to give honorary mentions to the following:

Ellinor Berggren, IES Linköping, for her essay on America as a fashion inspiration

Mikaela Lindstedt, IES Bromma, for her essay "Homophobic opinions in the Land of Freedom"

Robert Lönnberg, IES Enskede, for his essay on America as a leader in technology and innovations

Octavia Killen Meyer, IES Eskilstuna, for her essay on America as a constant experiment

Rassoul Pour Assad, IES Järfälla, for his essay on Poverty in America

Alva Winsa, IES Enskede, for her essay on American open-mindedness

The awards and diplomas for honorary mentions will be presented at an award ceremony in Täby on Friday, June 5th







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Frida Berg

Frida Berg

Presskontakt Kommunikationschef 0730-240290 Internationella Engelska Skolan

We prepare students for the world

Internationella Engelska Skolan är en svensk skola med internationell profil. Vi är en tvåspråkig skola som strävar efter att ge varje elev – oavsett bakgrund – förutsättningar att nå högt ställda kunskapsmål och navigera i en internationell miljö. Vi undervisar 32 000 elever i våra 45 grundskolor, från Trelleborg i söder till Skellefteå i norr, och på en gymnasieskola i Stockholm.

Internationella Engelska Skolan

Nytorpsvägen 5A
18353 Täby