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One for All - Fellini 100

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One for All - Fellini 100

On the centenary of Federico Fellini’s birth, on Tuesday the 19th of may 2020, Italian Cultural Institute presents an event dedicated to one of the greatest masters in film history. However, this is not just a regular film screening. We aim to recreate the typical atmosphere of his movies.

The event starts with some anecdotes about Anita Ekberg’s life and her work relationship with Fellini, followed by the screening of La dolce vita, one of the masterpieces of Federico Fellini.

For this event, we have adopted the “One for all”-format, which means that only one person will participate to the evening at our institute. This format responds to the restrictions imposed by the COVID 19 pandemic. However, we want to allow more people to watch the event from home. Thus, we will stream the first part of the program live on our social media. In addition, the first 50 people who will register to the event will have the possibility to watch La dolce vita for free from home.

The guest of the “One for all” event will have to give his/her consent to appear in some photographs that will be taken during the evening. The photographs will be published on the social media of the Institute.

Do you want to be the guest of the “One for all” at our institute?
Please send an e-mail with your name and surname to iicstockholm@gmail.com. We will randomly draw "the winner" during a live sending on our Instagram page on Monday 18th of May.

Do you want to watch the movie at home?
You can register on our Facebook event or send an email to iicstockholm@gmail.com, Please, write your name, surname and that you are only interested in watching the movie. If you are one of the lucky fifties, we will send you the link to watch La dolce vita for free.

17:00 Live stream starts.

17:00 Maria Sica, Director of the Italian Cultural Institute, presents the evening program.

17:05 Ann-Louice Dahlgren, film connoisseur and close friend of Anita Ekberg for a long time, relates some anecdotes from the life of the Swedish actress and her work with Fellini.

17:35 Live stream ends.

17.40 The screening of La dolce vita at our institute starts. We invite all the other participants to watch the movie from home on the link provided. However, the link will be active for one week. During the screening, the winner of "One for all” will enjoy some traditional focaccia with mortadella from Emilia-Romagna.

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Patrizia Coggiola


The house of Italian culture in Stockholm

The Italian Cultural Institute in Stockholm is the official Italian governmental body dedicated to promoting Italian language and culture in Sweden. For this reason, the Institute conducts a number of different activities. It organises concerts, screenings, lectures, exhibitions and other cultural events, that with very few exceptions are free and open to the public. It facilitates initiatives that promote the Italian Language in Sweden, such as the coordination of Italian courses with Folkuniversitetet. The Institute collaborates with a number of institutes, universities, museums, academies, conservatories, galleries and publishers, as well as with press, radio and TV both in Sweden and in Italy. It provides documentation and information about Italian cultural life and the institutions working in this field.

Italian Cultural Institute Stockholm

Gärdesgatan 14
115 27 Stockholm