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Barockens hemligheter: Federico Guglielmo och L’Arte dell’Arco under European Festival

Barockens hemligheter: Federico Guglielmo och L’Arte dell’Arco under European Festival

“Bach… to Venice” är namnet på konserten som Federico Guglielmo och hans ensemble L’Arte dell’Arco kommer bjuda på under det sista tillfället i vår serie “Barockens hemligheter”, som under våren har lyft fram mindre kända barockkompositörer. Konserten hålls tisdag 30 april kl. 18 i vårt Instituts Auditorium. Konserten ingår i programmet för den tredje upplagan av European Festival.

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The house of Italian culture in Stockholm

The Italian Cultural Institute in Stockholm is the official Italian governmental body dedicated to promoting Italian language and culture in Sweden. For this reason, the Institute conducts a number of different activities. It organises concerts, screenings, lectures, exhibitions and other cultural events, that with very few exceptions are free and open to the public. It facilitates initiatives that promote the Italian Language in Sweden, such as the coordination of Italian courses with Folkuniversitetet. The Institute collaborates with a number of institutes, universities, museums, academies, conservatories, galleries and publishers, as well as with press, radio and TV both in Sweden and in Italy. It provides documentation and information about Italian cultural life and the institutions working in this field.

Italian Cultural Institute Stockholm

Gärdesgatan 14
115 27 Stockholm