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Gertrude Gumbo, former participant  of ICLD programme and Councillor in Umguza Rural District Council in Zimbabwe.
Gertrude Gumbo, former participant of ICLD programme and Councillor in Umguza Rural District Council in Zimbabwe.

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ICLD is capacitating local leaders in Zimbabwe

Since 2014, ICLD has run the advanced international training programme “Capacitating local leaders in Zimbabwe”.  - The reason ICLD is in Zimbabwe is that, we see potential at the local level with a lot of opportunities to strengthen local democracy and make a difference, says Shannon Lövgren, programme officer for ICLD's Zimbabwe programme.

For Gertrude Gumbo, former participant, now Councillor in Umguza Rural District Council in Zimbabwe,  the programme has transformed both herself and her council: -The possibility to be a part of this capacity building programme gave me invaluable gifts of leadership skills. I got inspired and empowered and it gave me a desire to develop my municipality, says Gertrude.

The programme has undergone adaptations during the five years since the first program. In the first edition, there were only women participants, but we were rightfully questioned by the participants, “ How can you strengthen women in politics if there are no men involved?” 

- Today the programme is composed of 50 % men and 50% women, says Shannon Lövgren. In the programme we also combine the teams where civil servants and local politicians work together, which has proven to be the best way to make change at the local level.

ICLD's programme has made change on an individual as well as an organizational level throughout the councils we’ve worked in. For example, following the programme, Gertrude initiated the formulation of a gender policy in her district and now Umguza Rural District Council acts as a hub for gender mainstreaming in the province.

Let's hear Gertrude's own story:

"ICLD is a programme that has transformed both myself and my council at large. When I got into the ICLD training my strategic issue to improve was time management, but l realized later that as l worked on this strategic issue, I was concurrently working on self-esteem. When I concluded the program, I realized I had gained confidence and my presentation skills had improved greatly.

My professional networks are now on a broader spectrum. I became connected to people who had the capacity to help me push the gender agenda in my council. Through constant communication with ICLD I got to know about the Municipal financing program that I quickly informed my council about. The first team with three senior officials, the CEO, the council Engineer and the Gender Focal Person trained in 2015-2016. The second team, also involving head of departments, the council Treasurer, the Auditor and the Social services officer were trained in 2016-2017. Now another pair is in the program, the Vice Administration and the Councillor. ICLD programs and projects have helped my council to implement best practices in gender mainstreaming which has made the council to become a hub of Excellence for the whole of Matebeleland region. The training of officials has increased efficiency at council resulting in commencement and completion of projects such as piped water schemes and Cattle fattening project.

My colleagues tell me they have noticed a positive change in me. I have seen people coming for advice, even those who never used to. I have had some people commenting that they know that if they bring projects to my ward, their projects will be successful.

Institutional changes and impact of ICLD in my council
Great change has taken place in my council. We now have a Gender committee and council policies have been revised to suit our gender mainstreaming vision. The program has developed council staff in both leadership and effective service delivery. Various projects have come to completion and the council is running with gender lenses on.

The gender committee incorporates other stakeholders who operate in our area of jurisdiction. These are “Victim Friendly Unit” from police, Women Lawyers Association, Ministry of Health and Women Affairs ministry. This makes these ministries work following one strategic plan which is designed in one-unit accord. This practice has made my council to become a hub of excellence in Matebeleland north and south.

ICLD is an invaluable programme that I will treasure forever! It is a program that has helped me to develop leadership skills that have elevated the standard of development in my ward. For instance, the primary school that we just built, the comments are that it is even better than some urban schools. It is the only school amongst our rural schools that has a ceiling.

It is through this programme that I got a mentorship award. Being a national gender mentor comes with more responsibility. I now have an obligation to advertise the program at a wider spectrum. My self-esteem has improved greatly. I have more confidence in what I do and my networks are broad which makes me learn more things. My information and technology skills have improved greatly.

My special thanks go to ICLD, Genderlinks, the Ministry of Local Government, my local council, Midlands State University and other partners. Your training has developed in me a desire to inspire and empower others before I expire. 


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Maria Jansson

Maria Jansson

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