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WRONG PLACE, WRONG TIME – Beckmans College of Design interprets the concept of Tomorrow. The students want the industry to immerse themselves.

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WRONG PLACE, WRONG TIME – Beckmans College of Design interprets the concept of Tomorrow. The students want the industry to immerse themselves.

Tomorrow. This is a word that signifies the future, only it does not imply a distant and obscure future. It is a future that we can comprehend and envision what it may look like, or what it may entail. Tomorrow is a future just beyond the horizon.

In this year's exhibition at the Stockholm Furniture Fair thirteen students on the Product Design program has in collaboration with five students in Visual Communication used the term Tomorrow as a basis for research questions and design process. The design students have created thirteen unique items that will inspire creativity. They want the visitors not only to look at new trends but to immerse themselves and be inspired to think in new directions. The students' interpretations range from how we can use the construction dust to make new products, how the tactile can cause us to think further, to play with how we associate with everyday objects.

When five second-year Visual Communication students undertook the task of communicating this project, the Product Design students had already initiated their process, investigating their personal relationships to the theme of the course. In the parallel working processes, the communication students explored how design can be communicated, interpreting the design students’ ideas and temperaments.

Beckmans College of Design has a long tradition of interdisciplinary student collaboration. The projects and collaborations strive to utilize product design and communication as a driver of change. From a concept of the near future, the students developed an overall concept – Wrong Place, Wrong Time. How can an object, a piece of furniture, in itself perform an act of thinking in new ways?What happens when we blur the line between dream and reality? Inspired by the design students’ diversity of ideas and ways of seeing, the visual communication students fused a dream landscape into the visual language, film, images, sound, graphic design and website.

Also the exhibition has a feeling of ”tomorrow” with walls washed in colored light and the podiums grow out of the carpet. With a change of mood or perspective it is possible for the visitors to discover the whole picture and see processes and ideas that they would not see otherwise. Perhaps the fair is the right place and perhaps now is the right time for the industry to immerse themselves and be inspired to think in new directions.

Welcome to Greenhouse VH02:49, Stockholm Furniture Fair

Students, Product Design: Matilda Beckman, Erika Emerén, Klara Granstrand, Therése Hallberg, Kerstin Kjellin Larsson, Viktoria Kreipke, Thomas Lissert, Greta Nordin, Erik Nyström, Veronica  Rönn, Johanna K. Sandén, Mimmi Sendel, Elin Åström.

Students, Visual Communication: Justin Boyesen, Anna Dormer Volgsten, Petter Monsen, Tomas Möller, Josef Qvennerberg Ruona,

Contact and information:

Elisabeth Björkbom, Course Director/Product Design
E-mail: elisabeth@bjorkbom.com, tel: + 46 70 597 91 11

Annika Berner, Course Director/Visual Communication
Director of external relations
E-mail: annika@beckmans.se, Phone: +46 72 731 09 50

Erica Emerén, Student, Product Design
E-mail: erika.emeren@beckmans.se, phone +46 70 581 05 48

Anna Dormer Volgsten, Student, Visual Communication
Email: anna.dormervolgsten@beckmans.se, phone +46 73 755 06 98

More information and images:


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Beckmans College of Design offers three-year BA degree courses in Art and Design. There are three programs, Visual Communication, Fashion and Design (product and interior). www.beckmans.se


Sofia Hulting

Sofia Hulting

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Beckmans Designhögskola

Agavägen 54
181 55 Lidingö