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Photo: Rikard Lilja
Photo: Rikard Lilja

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New Way Home – graduation students and alumni at Milan Design Week

Eleven emerging designers from Beckmans College of Design at Milan Design Week, April 17–22.

Exhibition Hemma – Stories of Home/New Way Home

Stockholm has long been an incubator of design and also an influencer in creative thinking and innovation. Now eleven graduates and alumni from Beckmans College of Design make their first appearance on the international design scene. Their work will be displayed in the Swedish collaborative exhibition Hemma – Stories of Home, curated by the Stockholm-based studio of architects Joyn. The exhibition has been made under the guidance of Visit Sweden that leads the initiative Swedish Design Moves set up by the Swedish government in 2017.

"For Beckmans, collaborative projects is a central part of our curriculum. To participate in the international design week in Milan is a great opportunity for the students to create new professional relationships and to gain a deeper understanding of their own role as designers, says Annika Berner, Head of External Relations and responsible for the project.

Creating impressions

Anchored in the present, the emerging designers write their own stories of home day by day. Experimentation, creative energy, narration and collaboration are at the heart of their culture as well as to challenge norms to create a better everyday life for everyone.

By articulating and managing their own projects in collaboration with fellow students and well-known Swedish producers they express their personal interests and convictions and use the methods and the forms that they want to develop. Welcome to the exhibition and take part in the discussion of what a future home can be.

Graduates: Anna Herrmann, Frida Pettersson, Hanna Stenström, Jennie Adén, Klara W Hedengren, Lisa Jonsson, Lisa Lindh och Madeleine Nelson
Alumni: Emma Stridh, Hanna Wik, and Jonatan Nilsson
Visual communication for the project: Carl Cavallius, Gabriel Fager Ferrari, and Jonathan Jervelind.

Time and place

Hemma–Stories of Home/New Way Home
Adress: Via Eugenio Balzan 4, Brera Design District

Find us here

Press preview: Monday April 16th, 9 AM–5 PM
Opening party: Tuesday April 17th, 6 PM–10 PM
Beckmans Design Talk ""Emerging Swedish design stories—future homemakers":
Thursday April 19th, 10–11 AM
Opening hours: April 17–22, 9 AM–7 PM
For more information: Annika Berner, Director of External Relations/Senior Lecturer

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Om Beckmans Designhögskola

Beckmans Designhögskola är en av världens minsta designhögskolor med 123 studenter och 30 anställda. Utbildning bedrivs genom design på konstnärlig grund inom kandidatprogrammen Form, Mode och Visuell kommunikation. Beckmans Designhögskola befinner sig i en utvecklingsfas där ny kunskap, perspektiv på mångfald, jämlikhet, innovation och hållbarhet genomsyrar frågor som direkt kopplas till utvecklingen på skolan. Vårt mål är att vara en relevant plats för ämnesutveckling inom våra fält, en intressant samarbetspartner och att utbilda studenter med stark individuell kreativ och konstnärlig förmåga – från idé och koncept till färdig lösning.



Sofia Hulting

Sofia Hulting

Presskontakt Kommunikationschef

Beckmans Designhögskola

Beckmans Designhögskola i Stockholm utbildar inom tre konstnärliga kandidatprogram (180 hp): Form, Mode och Visuell kommunikation samt den förberedande utbildningen Beckmans Kvällsskola. Ny kunskap och nya perspektiv på humanism, mångfald, jämlikhet och hållbarhet genomsyrar utbildningen som vilar på konstnärlig grund.

Beckmans Designhögskola

Agavägen 54
181 55 Lidingö