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Contrasts of life explored by design students at Stockholm Furniture Fair

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Contrasts of life explored by design students at Stockholm Furniture Fair

Would a night still be a night if there were not a day to compare it with? The more you learn, the more you realize that everything exists at once with its opposite, that the contradictions of life are everywhere and that somehow the mediation between these opposites is the game of life.

In this year’s exhibition at Stockholm Furniture Fair, the graduate Product Design students of Beckmans College of Design have explored contrasts.

How can an object or a piece of furniture exert an act of resistance? Where do you draw the line between private and public? Where does rationality and fantasy meet? Can long-term happiness be found in materialism?

Students in Visual Communication have created the communication concept In Contrast, inspired by the Design students’ individual expressions and perspectives. The result is shown in graphic design, digital communication, film, sound, and exhibition.

Visit us in the Greenhouse-section, showcase VH03:01, at Stockholm Furniture Fair, February 4-8, to see how thoughts about contrasts can create new expressions and perspectives.

Students, Product Design: Anna Wennerhed, Billy Boman, Camilla Frick Isberg, Gabriel Stuart, Hanna Tunemar, Karin Palola, Minna Magnusson, Pernilla Köhlberg, Sofia Holt, Stella Pilback, Tove Greitz, Wictor Gussing, Willy Chong, Rebecca Ral.

Students, Visual Communication: Johanna Burai, Oskar Pernefeldt, Stephanie Abdallah och Tobias Ohlström.

Course Director, Product Design: Katja Pettersson, Senior Lecturer

Course Director, Visual Communication: Annika Berner, Programme Director

For more information:


Sofia Hulting, Press Officer, Beckmans College of Design

E-mail: sofia.hulting@beckmans.se, tel: +46 8 660 20 20

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Beckmans Designhögskola bedriver treårig grundutbildning inom konst och design som leder till konstnärlig kandidatexamen (180hp). Utbildningen omfattar tre program; Visuell kommunikation, Mode och Form (produktformgivning och rumsgestaltning). www.beckmans.se


Sofia Hulting

Sofia Hulting

Presskontakt Kommunikationschef

Beckmans Designhögskola

Beckmans Designhögskola i Stockholm utbildar inom tre konstnärliga kandidatprogram (180 hp): Form, Mode och Visuell kommunikation samt den förberedande utbildningen Beckmans Kvällsskola. Ny kunskap och nya perspektiv på humanism, mångfald, jämlikhet och hållbarhet genomsyrar utbildningen som vilar på konstnärlig grund.

Beckmans Designhögskola

Agavägen 54
181 55 Lidingö