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Vy - design Maria Chifflet, Jim Zsuppan and Charlotte Lorensson

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Vy - design Maria Chifflet, Jim Zsuppan and Charlotte Lorensson

The starting point for our project has been the activity-based office with variability as an important aspect of productivity and well-being. Vy is a mobile room divider with rotating slats that allow different degrees of screening depending on the setting and the occasion. We wanted to introduce a playful and inter-active item of furniture into the workplace, an item that promotes privacy but that can also be a communication tool. The pattern running over the slats is magnetic which allows the user to attach essential materials. As the slats are rotated the pattern changes providing variety in the interior.
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Sofia Hulting

Sofia Hulting

Presskontakt Kommunikationschef

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Beckmans Designhögskola

Beckmans Designhögskola i Stockholm utbildar inom tre konstnärliga kandidatprogram (180 hp): Form, Mode och Visuell kommunikation samt den förberedande utbildningen Beckmans Kvällsskola. Ny kunskap och nya perspektiv på humanism, mångfald, jämlikhet och hållbarhet genomsyrar utbildningen som vilar på konstnärlig grund.

Beckmans Designhögskola

Agavägen 54
181 55 Lidingö