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Julia Correia de Verdier – Beyond the Surface

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Julia Correia de Verdier – Beyond the Surface

Elevating and making the different levels of the self visible. A beholder draws quick conclusions from a shell that merely reflects parts of an identity. I want to question how we read people based on their exterior. My project is a study of how I cope with so often hearing that I do not look Swedish. I have investigated how identities are created, flexible boundaries, pattern images and strict norms that are gradually eroded. Classical garments like the shirt and the suit jacket have been altered by means of unconventional tailoring and large volumes. As a symbol of that which hides beneath the surface I have created patterns from x-ray images. In the same way I have used layers of tulle. The forwards and backwards movement between the two countries, and the way in which I am perceived depending on the context, is symbolized by means of lines and the cut taken from workout clothes. With this collection I want to make the different layers of the identity visible.
Innehållet får laddas ner, användas och delas i olika mediekanaler av t.ex. journalister, bloggare, krönikörer, opinionsbildare etc., i syftet att förmedla, redogöra för och kommentera ert pressmeddelande, inlägg eller information, så länge innehållet används oförändrat och i dess helhet. Upphovsmannen ska anges i den omfattning och på det sätt god sed kräver (vilket bl.a. innebär att fotografer till bilder nästan alltid måste anges).
Amanda Nilsson
3000 x 4125, 5,12 MB
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Sofia Hulting

Sofia Hulting

Presskontakt Kommunikationschef

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Beckmans Designhögskola

Agavägen 54
181 55 Lidingö