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Possible kidnapping in the Juicyfields case

In the video in which Mr. Kekshin appears, he gives no reason whatsoever as to why he is making the statements he has made and why he has somehow changed his mind. There is no logic why Mr Kekshin should not have given any reason whatsoever as to why he is now making the statements he is making.

Mr. Kekshin has deleted his account on Telegram and his mobile phone is completely switched off since he broadcast the video on Monday evening on the 11:th of December. This indicates that he is not in control of the ability to contact anyone and that it may be a way to avoid that his mobile phone can be tracked when it is turned on.

Possible kidnapping in the Juicyfields case In the video in which Mr. Kekshin appears, he gives no reason whatsoever as to why he is making the statements he has made and why he has somehow changed his mind. There is no logic why Mr Kekshin should not have given any reason whatsoever as to why he is now making the statements he is making. Mr. Kekshin has deleted his account on Telegram and his mobile phone is completely switched off since he broadcast the video on Monday evening on the 11:th of December. This indicates that he is not in control of the ability to contact anyone and that it may be a way to avoid that his mobile phone can be tracked when it is turned on.

Have you been a victim of Juicyfields, Omegapro, Raidem or anyother fraud? Welcome to come and meet Lars Olofsson, an unconventional Swedish lawyer. Listen to his strategies the 19th of november in Paris at 16:00 around city center, exact location will be given for those that signup for the event.

Worlds best investigative journalists will have a film team following Lars but being on TV is optional for all visitors ofcourse. Please email Lars Olofsson at for questions or to sign up on the visitor list - then write your name and "PARIS" in the email. 

Without truth and justice there will be no order. Time to stand together


Avez-vous été victime de Juicyfields, Omegapro, Raidem ou d'une autre fraude ? Venez rencontrer Lars Olofsson, un avocat suédois peu conventionnel. Ecoutez ses stratégies le 19 novembre à Paris à 16h00 dans le centre ville, le lieu exact sera communiqué à ceux qui s'inscriront à l'événement.

Les meilleurs journalistes d'investigation du monde auront une équipe de tournage qui suivra Lars, mais le passage à la télévision est bien sûr facultatif pour tous les visiteurs. Merci d'envoyer un courriel à Lars Olofsson à pour toute question ou pour vous inscrire sur la liste des visiteurs - indiquez votre nom et "PARIS" dans le courriel. 

Sans vérité et sans justice, il n'y aura pas d'ordre. Il est temps de s'unir

Have you been a victim of Juicyfields, Omegapro, Raidem or anyother fraud? Welcome to come and meet Lars Olofsson, an unconventional Swedish lawyer. Listen to his strategies the 19th of november in Paris at 16:00 around city center, exact location will be given for those that signup for the event. Worlds best investigative journalists will have a film team following Lars but being on TV is optional for all visitors ofcourse. Please email Lars Olofsson at for questions or to sign up on the visitor list - then write your name and "PARIS" in the email. Without truth and justice there will be no order. Time to stand together **French** Avez-vous été victime de Juicyfields, Omegapro, Raidem ou d'une autre fraude ? Venez rencontrer Lars Olofsson, un avocat suédois peu conventionnel. Ecoutez ses stratégies le 19 novembre à Paris à 16h00 dans le centre ville, le lieu exact sera communiqué à ceux qui s'inscriront à l'événement. Les meilleurs journalistes d'investigation du monde auront une équipe de tournage qui suivra Lars, mais le passage à la télévision est bien sûr facultatif pour tous les visiteurs. Merci d'envoyer un courriel à Lars Olofsson à pour toute question ou pour vous inscrire sur la liste des visiteurs - indiquez votre nom et "PARIS" dans le courriel. Sans vérité et sans justice, il n'y aura pas d'ordre. Il est temps de s'unir

Now we are starting to get into the good “juicy” stuff with a few tastes from our and dw’s investigations.*

This  story of Juicyfields began with a large medical Cannabis investment fraud and a  moneylaundry service for the cartels. However almost on a daily basis  since July 2022 the story has expanded and new rabbit holes appear  everywhere to this day. 
Global implications. This organized crime fraud  gave us the chance to go after even bigger fish.

 We dive deeper with German DW in the coming episodes, stay tuned every thursday

Now we are starting to get into the good “juicy” stuff with a few tastes from our and dw’s investigations.* This story of Juicyfields began with a large medical Cannabis investment fraud and a moneylaundry service for the cartels. However almost on a daily basis since July 2022 the story has expanded and new rabbit holes appear everywhere to this day. Global implications. This organized crime fraud gave us the chance to go after even bigger fish. We dive deeper with German DW in the coming episodes, stay tuned every thursday




Press contact Press contact 0707299401


Press contact Press contact 0707299401

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