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Rask innføring i BalanceTest

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Rask innføring i BalanceTest

The Zinzino BalanceTest is a dried blood spot test that provides information about the balance of Omega-6 and Omega-3 essential fatty acids in your blood. From your test report, you will also learn about your Omega-3 Index, Protection Value, Cell Membrane Fluidity, Mental Strength and more.

The test is easy to perform and takes less than a minute. It can be done in the comfort of your home. Watch the BalanceTest video or read our step-by-step instructions to learn how to take the test.

Quick & easy sampling

At-home testing has never been easier. Begin by registering your BalanceTest ID at zinzinotest.com and take a photo of your test code, then perform these following steps.

1. Wash your hands

Wash your hands with soap and warm water.

2. Clean your finger

Clean the tip of your middle finger with the alcohol wipe.

3. Prick your finger

Place the lancet against the lower part of your fingertip. Press firmly until you hear a click.

4. Collect your blood

Without touching the paper, add a minimum of three free dripping blood drops to each circle on the sample card. The blood should completely fill the inner part of the circles.

5. Let dry

Let your sample dry in room temperature for 10 minutes.

6. Place in the bag

Insert the sample card back into the paper envelope and place it into the metal bag. Do not remove the desiccant packet.

7. Post

Put the closed metal bag into the large envelope with the laboratory address on it. Don’t forget the stamps.

Now you’re all done! Don’t forget to post your sample in 1-2 days to ensure its freshness. Register your test ID at ZinzinoTest and get a notification when your results are ready, this usually takes 10-20 days.



Gabriele Helmer

Gabriele Helmer

Pressekontakt CMO +46 72 215 85 81

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Vi er pionerer innen testet og personlig ernæring fra Skandinavia, og har et mål om å få verden tilbake i balanse – en person av gangen. Start veien til bedre helse med banebrytende forskningsbaserte løsninger som driver neste generasjons ernæring.


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