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Motosumo’s global #TrainForSchools campaign raises $1,500 to support kids’ education in Kenya

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Motosumo’s global #TrainForSchools campaign raises $1,500 to support kids’ education in Kenya

Copenhagen, August 28, 2024: The #TrainForSchools campaign, a global initiative by Motosumo, the digital indoor cycling platform, wrapped up after another successful week of cycling with a purpose. Running from August 19-25, 2024 as part of Motosumo’s ongoing Cycle For Change series, the campaign united fitness enthusiasts worldwide to ride for another important cause — supporting education for children in Kenya. Participants collectively cycled an impressive 134,900 kilometers and rode for 5,100 hours, resulting in a $1,500 donation to the Human Practice Foundation (HPF) to fund a mobile science lab for Withare Primary School in the Maasai Mara region.

Kresten Juel Jensen, CEO of Motosumo, remarked: “The dedication and enthusiasm of our global community continue to inspire us. The collective effort of cycling thousands of kilometers isn’t just about fitness. We hope to create opportunities for children who need it the most. Our global community can make a visible and tangible difference, one ride at a time.”

Supporting kids´ education in Kenya

The funds raised through the #TrainForSchools campaign will go directly to equipping Withare Primary School, located in the Maasai Mara region of Kenya, with a mobile science lab. This initiative will significantly enhance the quality of science education for 7th to 9th-grade students.

Maja Buchhave Breiter, Project and Stakeholder Manager at HPF, highlighted the importance of the collaboration: “Thanks to Motosumo’s campaign and support, Withare Primary School will soon have access to a mobile science lab. This is a significant step toward improving the quality of education for the school’s students, empowering them with better opportunities for the future.”

Cycle for Change: Fitness for a Cause

The #TrainForSchools campaign is part of Motosumo’s broader Cycle For Change initiative, which unites the global indoor cycling community to support impactful causes through the power of collective, purposeful movement.

Previous campaigns have supported mental health initiatives, breast cancer research, environmental conservation, and more. Each campaign demonstrates Motosumo’s commitment to linking fitness with a greater purpose, proving that every workout can contribute to doing good.

Join the Movement

Motosumo invites individuals and organizations to continue supporting future Cycle For Change campaigns. Whether participating in cycling classes or contributing to charitable causes, every effort counts toward creating a better future for communities in need. Motosumo’s platform is always open to all, inviting both fitness enthusiasts and philanthropists alike to join a growing global movement. The next campaign will take place in early November 2024.

To learn more about how to get involved in future campaigns or contribute directly to ongoing efforts, please visit

About Motosumo

Motosumo is a leading digital indoor cycling platform that connects fitness enthusiasts worldwide through innovative technology. With an accessible platform available to anyone with a stationary bike and smartphone, Motosumo fosters a dynamic and inclusive community driven by collective goals and a shared commitment to global causes. Visit to learn more.

About Human Practice Foundation

Founded in 2014, the Human Practice Foundation aims to improve access to quality education in underserved regions, including Kenya and Nepal. Through their unique 100% donation model, all funds go directly to project implementation, ensuring transparency and maximum impact. Learn more at

For media inquiries, please contact:
Susanne Tolstrup, Motosumo | +45 31 72 01 44




Susanne Tolstrup

Susanne Tolstrup

Press contact Chief Communications Officer (Comms, PR, Media Relations) +4531720144

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Empowering members to lead happier and healthier lives, with interactive, community-based, and instructor-driven cycling workouts they can enjoy anywhere.

Based in Copenhagen, Motosumo makes group classes fun and inclusive with an app packed full of gamification features and advanced tech.

Using the sensors in smartphones, Motosumo provides analytics only found in expensive, high-end fitness equipment, which makes it a cheap and powerful instructor tool for any gym.

Fitness solutions needn’t be super serious and elite. We want group fitness to be about community. An enjoyable, welcoming space for users to compete, compare, and cooperate.


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