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JYSK store front

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Åse Andersson

Åse Andersson

Press contact Communications Director +45 30 101 101
Martin Fyn Aamand

Martin Fyn Aamand

Press contact Head of Communications & PR +45 24 80 48 08
Anders Græsbøll Buch

Anders Græsbøll Buch

Press contact Communications Consultant +45 23 20 55 67
Mikkel Barkler

Mikkel Barkler

Press contact Communications Consultant +45 26 79 28 60

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JYSK continues the success

JYSK continues the success

The financial year 2018/19 offered new records for JYSK Nordic, where turnover amounted to 2.35 billion EUR.

JYSK sets new record in earnings

JYSK sets new record in earnings

With an EBIT result of DKK 4.5 billion for the financial year 2020/21, JYSK has once again delivered a result at a historically high level.

JYSK will permanently close in Russia

JYSK will permanently close in Russia

All JYSK stores in Russia have been temporarily closed since 3 March. Today, JYSK announces that the closure will be permanent, and that JYSK will withdraw completely from Russia.

JYSK continued to successfully deliver on its business strategy with increased sales, store expansions and rearrangements as well as increased customer visits.

JYSK again delivers record results despite global challenges

For the financial year 2021/22, JYSK reached its highest EBIT result to date of DKK 4.56 billion (EUR 612 million) and increased turnover by 11% to DKK 36.2 billion (EUR 4.87 billion). However, the retail chain is now seeing the first signs of a slowdown in sales due to global challenges.

New Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for JYSK

New Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for JYSK

JYSK has appointed Signe Lind Jacobsen as new Executive Vice President and CFO for the Scandinavian sleeping and living retail company. Her first day at work will be on 1 August 2023.

JYSK fortsatte succesfuldt forretningstrategien i finansåret 2021/22 med øget salg, butiksudvidelser og -ombygninger samt flere kundebesøg.

JYSK leverer igen rekordresultater trods globale udfordringer

I finansåret 2021/22 har JYSK opnået sit højeste EBIT-resultat nogensinde på 4,56 milliarder DKK og øget omsætningen med 11 procent til 36,2 milliarder DKK. Boligkæden begynder dog at se de første tegn på en tilbagegang i salget på grund af globale udfordringer.

Customers continue to choose shopping in one of JYSK’s more than 3,200 stores covering 48 countries across the world.

Turnover sets new record in JYSK

With a growth of 11 percent, the total turnover for the financial year 2021/22 sets a new record in JYSK, even though a long list of global factors have challenged the business.

Kunderne fortsætter med at vælge at handle i en af JYSKs flere end 3.200 butikker fordelt på 48 lande rundt om i verden.

Omsætningen sætter ny rekord i JYSK

Med en vækst på 11 procent sætter den samlede omsætning for regnskabsåret 2021/22 ny rekord i JYSK, selvom en lang række globale faktorer har udfordret forretningen.

JYSK celebrates double birthday

JYSK celebrates double birthday

On 2 April 2024, it is 45 years since Lars Larsen, also known as the Tradesman, opened the first JYSK store in Denmark. Five years later, he also opened in Germany, which has since grown to be the largest market for JYSK.

Scandinavian Sleeping & Living

JYSK is an international home furnishing retailer with Scandinavian roots that makes it easy to furnish every room in any home and garden.

With more than 3,500 stores and webshops in 49 countries, JYSK always has a great offer and competent service nearby, no matter how customers want to shop.

Founder Lars Larsen opened his first store in Denmark in 1979. Today, JYSK employs 31,000 colleagues.

JYSK is part of family-owned Lars Larsen Group with a total turnover of DKK 48.0 billion in financial year 2023/24. JYSK’s turnover was DKK 41.4 billion in financial year 2023/24.