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Furetank releases 2023 sustainability report

Press release -

Furetank releases 2023 sustainability report

We invite you to read the 2023 Furetank sustainability report, summing up a year of recognition and confirmation of the major investments we have made in sustainable vessel technology during the past decade – and continue to make.

In the report you can read about how Furetank...


... Together with Wärtsilä co-developed, tested and installed two technologies with potential of halving the methane slip from LNG/LBG propulsion

… Got our first female captain

… Turned our former offices into an advanced ship simulator complex supporting sustainable progress for the entire Swedish shipping cluster

… Display our carbon emission reduction in numbers and our roadmap towards zero emission operations

… Proved in a scientific study to have reduced the noise from our vessels, improving both work environment for our crews and living conditions for aquatic life

… Continued the expansion of JV FureBear with Algoma Central Corporation, bringing more world-class environmentally efficient tonnage to the market

… Made our VINGA ship series best in class globally in meeting IMO-international climate goals for shipping

… Continuously develop our safety work to the highest standard

… Came to choose dual fuel LNG/LBG propulsion

… Optimize our trading pattern to further lower emissions

… Care for the underwater environment and protect sensitive eco systems

… Safeguard diversity, equality and employee well-being

Find the 2023 report attached to this article and on our website. Progress within sustainability has continued into 2024 and we look forward to sharing more positive news with you in coming reports.



Furetank, based on Donsö in the Gothenburg archipelago, is a Swedish, family-owned shipping company active in tanker shipping since the early 1950’s. Furetank operates 9 owned vessels and is a founding member of the Gothia Tanker Alliance: a market platform for small and intermediate product tankers, operating 40 vessels in European waters. We are not a giant but a leader – continuously striving to adopt green solutions for environment and climate.


Lars Höglund

Lars Höglund

Press contact CEO - Telefonsamtal från annonssäljare undanbedes - +46 (0)705 74 96 41

A Swedish shipping company: not a giant but a leader

Furetank, based on Donsö in the Gothenburg archipelago, is a Swedish, family-owned shipping company active in tanker shipping since the early 1950’s. Furetank operates our own vessels and is a founding member of the Gothia Tanker Alliance: a market platform for small and intermediate product tankers, operating 40 vessels in European waters. We are not a giant but a leader – continuously striving to adopt green solutions for environment and climate.

Furetank Rederi AB

Korsholmebacke 1
430 82 Donsö