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Five Swedish start-ups selected to accelerate on the French Precision health market

Five Swedish start-ups selected to accelerate on the French Precision health market

EIT Health Scandinavia and EIT Health France, in collaboration with Vinnova, the Swedish innovation agency, are proud to announce the five selected startups within precision health solutions selected to participate in the Swedish French Accelerator 2.0. The five companies will receive tailor made support during 12 months by EIT Health experts and the French partner network.

Auhinna võitis ka Eesti tervisetehnoloogia ettevõte Antegenes, mis tegeleb vähi täppisennetusega.

EIT Health annab kuni 50 000 eurot ja pakub mentorlust 12-le iduettevõttele, mis aitavad lahendada eakate heaolu probleeme

• EIT Health koos 10 rahvusvahelise partneriga avalikustasid 12 idufirmat, kes pälvisid Healthy Longevity Catalyst Award’i. • Iga idufirma saab kuni 50 000 eurot ja mentorlust eakate hoolekande uuendusteks. • Toetus ja mentorlus on mõeldud lahendamaks peamisi valdkonna probleeme, kiirendades eakate hoolduses uute lahenduste kasutuselevõttu.

At a round table discussion on June 27, obstacles and opportunities before the implementation of the EHDS proposal are discussed in order to get a common picture.

Sharing of health data soon a reality - work continues!

The proposal for sharing health data, EHDS, was presented last spring and has been a priority for the Swedish presidency. The proposal involves more efficient and safer sharing of health data, which is significant both for patients, healthcare professionals, academia and research. But what is required for the proposal to become a reality?

This is a great example of a product that supports healthy and active living and also prevents the spread of infectious diseases, especially during the colder months of the year.

Innovative natural antibacterial neck tube launched at EIT Health matchmaking in Tallinn

This is a great example of a product that supports healthy and active living and also prevents the spread of infectious diseases, especially during the colder months of the year.I am excited to personally use a product from an innovative startup like HealthTextiles that is supported by EIT Health. We look forward to seeing the development of their product portfolio, says Zara Pons Vila,

EIT Health korraldab Tallinnas võrgustumisürituse, mille fookus on terviseandmetel

EIT Health korraldab Tallinnas võrgustumisürituse, mille fookus on terviseandmetel

EIT Health korraldab Tallinnas võrgustumisürituse, mille fookus on terviseandmetel Talve üks tähtsaimaid võrgustumisüritusi toimub 5.-6. detsembril. EIT Health korraldab regulaarselt match-making üritusi, kus partneritel ja erinevatel tervishoiu innovatsiooni osapooltel üle Euroopa on võimalus kohtuda potentsiaalsete koostööpartneritega, et luua uusi konsortsiume erinevate taotlusvoorude jaoks.

Annika will be taking up her substantive position as Managing Director for Scandinavia with immediate effect, and will be reporting to Jean-Marc Bourez, Interim CEO EIT Health.

Annika Szabo Portela appointed new Managing Director EIT Health Scandinavia

EIT Health are pleased to announce that Annika Szabo Portela will be taking on the position as Managing Director for the Scandinavia Regional Innovation Hub. Annika has already worked as operational Interim MD since December 2021, and we are delighted that she has been successful in securing the permanent position.

Maailma vähipäeva tähistamisel, pöörab EIT Health tähelepanu uuenduslikele tehnoloogiatele, keskendudes varajasele sõeluuringule ja vähi diagnoosimisele.

EIT Health pöörab tähelepanu, et täna 4. veebruar on rahvusvaheline vähipäev, mille tänavune teema on „Ebavõrdsuse vähendamine vähiravis ja patsientide õiguste tagamine“

Maailma vähipäeva tähistamisel, pöörab EIT Health tähelepanu uuenduslikele tehnoloogiatele, keskendudes varajasele sõeluuringule ja vähi diagnoosimisele. 2022 aastal avanev EIT Health innovatsiooniprogramm "Wild Card" toetab kuni kolme miljoni euro ulatuses neid, kel on uuenduslikke ideid kopsu- ja eesnäärmevähi varajase avastamise edendamiseks.

The new innovation unit at UiO – the Life Science Growth House – will be an open door to researchers and students as well as industry in the new life science building, Norway’s largest building for research and education of approx. 100.000 sqm.

University of Oslo joins the European life science network EIT Health

EIT Health Scandinavia, part of one of the largest life science initiatives world-wide, is now expanding its network to include University of Oslo (UiO) as an associate partner. - Our main task is to support researchers and students in developing their innovative ideas, and EIT Health will be a great addition facilitating this, says Nicolay Bérard-Andersen, senior innovation adviser, Life Science

Den nye innovasjonsenheten ved UiO – Veksthuset for livsvitenskap – vil være en åpen dør for forskere og studenter samt næringsliv i det nye Livsvitenskapsbygget, Norges største bygg for forskning og utdanning på ca. 100.000 kvm.

Universitetet i Oslo blir medlem av det europeiske livsvitenskapsnettverket EIT Health

EIT Health Scandinavia, som er en del av et av verdens største livsvitenskapsnettverk, utvider nå med Universitetet i Oslo (UiO) som assosiert medlem. – Vår hovedoppgave er å hjelpe forskere og studenter med å modne innovative ideer, og EIT Health vil være et flott virkemiddel for å legge til rette for dette, sier Nicolay Bérard-Andersen, senior innovasjonsrådgiver i Veksthuset for livsviten.

Six Swedish start-ups selected to accelerate in the French AI and digital health market

Six Swedish start-ups selected to accelerate in the French AI and digital health market

During 12 months six selected Swedish start-ups specialised in digital health and in artificial intelligence will receive tailor made support from EIT Health experts and through the French and European partner network, access to the French healthcare ecosystem, develop new research and tech collaborations and accelerate their solution on the French market.

EIT Health Scandinavia, part of one of the largest life science initiatives world-wide, is now expanding its network to include Norway as Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU, joins as an associate partner.

Norway joins the European life science network EIT Health

EIT Health Scandinavia, part of one of the largest life science initiatives world-wide, is now expanding its network to include Norway as Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), joins as an associate partner.

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About EIT Health Scandinavia

EIT Health is a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) established by the EU body European Institute for Innovation & Technology (EIT). EIT Health is a collaboration between more than 150 Partners within pharma, medtech, healthcare and healthcare funders, research institutions, and universities. Backed by the European Union, EIT Health is Europe’s largest life science collaboration organisation, and one of the largest life science initiatives world-wide. EIT Health is active across three fields: business creation, education, and multidisciplinary healthcare innovation initiatives.

EIT Health has partners and programmes in 17 countries. The Regional Innovation Hubs are present in Barcelona, Paris, Dublin, Rotterdam, Heidelberg-Mannheim, Wienna and Budapest. The central office is located in Munich. EIT Health Scandinavia covers Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Estonia, with an office in Stockholm.

EIT Health Scandinavia

Torsgatan 11
111 23 Stockholm

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